Tag Archives: Diavolo In Corpo



by Penelope Nin

It is rumored that we (a “we” not well-defined whose lack of definition suits the rumor-mongers) have nothing to do with anarchism, being in reality nihilists disguised for the purpose of penetrating into the sanctuary of anarchy with bad intentions. It is noted that one who takes up the task of guarding the temple ends up seeing thieves everywhere, and maybe the hour has come to quiet “our” troubled detractors.

La nave dei folli


 Theodore W. Kaczynski


C’era una volta una nave comandata da un capitano e dai suoi secondi, così vanitosi della loro abilità di manovra, così pieni di hybris e talmente imbevuti di sé da diventare folli. Fecero rotta verso nord, navigarono così a lungo da incontrare iceberg e pezzi di banchisa, ma continuarono a navigare in quella direzione, in acque sempre più pericolose, al solo scopo di procurarsi occasioni per gesta marinare sempre più brillanti.
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The Value of Life





The famous Spanish artist Salvador Dali wrote that nothing excited him as much as the spectacle of a third-class train-car full of dead workers crushed in an accident. He was not at all indifferent uncaring in the face of death since when a friend of his, Prince Mdinavi dies in an accident, he was deeply upset by it. It was simply that, for Dali, the only death for which to grieve was that of a prince, which has nothing in common with a load of workers’ corpses.
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The End of the World



Mare Almani


On September 13, 1999, at the power station at Tokaimura on the Pacific coast of Japan, the most serious nuclear accident since the time of Chernobyl took place. During a laboratory experiment, three technicians spilled sixteen kilograms of uranium into a sedimentation tank designed to hold little more than two. The error started a chain reaction that continued for many hours, contaminating the entire area surrounding the station for a radius of several kilometers.
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Money and Logos

money and logos

M. D. P.


Diavolo in corpo


Is there a relationship between the birth of the rational mentality and the development of commercial economy? In the 7th century B.C.E., a whole series of tightly connected social changes took place in the Ionian Greek cities of Asia Minor. It is precisely during this epoch that the rational mentality arose, at the time when maritime commercial culture began to experience its first great development.
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