Tag Archives: Dimitrakis Yannis

Escape from Oblivion (first attempt) 2010


Giannis Dimitrakis

I always keep in mind that image of myself, passing by the prison, unconsciously looking up at the high walls and the barbed wire on top. Which prison was it? Whenever I went with some friends by motorcycle to the Nikaia neighborhood, we rode down Grigoriou Lambraki Street, and the stone walls of Korydallos Prison mesmerized me. I don’t know why. Was it because there were times I found myself on the nearby streets—breathing room, but never too close, since all the approaches were completely blocked by the police—simply because of one of the marches in solidarity with comrade prisoners? Or was it perhaps because that enormous, imposing building, so diligently concealing everything going on inside its heart—an entirely unknown world with its own laws and rules, full of heroic stories and human torment—merely piqued my curiosity?

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The ‘apology’ of Giannis Dimitrakis in his second degree trial for the bank robbery of January 2006 (2010)


Jacques Verges, in his book “The strategy of trial” says: “In any case, it is a fact that every trial hides a political conflict and that justice is steadily full armed to defend the status quo”. A view that reflects with high definition a reality that gets imprinted infinitely on the map of human societies that were organized on the basis of systems which had inequality, un-rightfulness, forcing and exploitation as fundamental elements of their function.
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The ‘apology’ of Giannis Dimitrakis in his second degree trial for the bank robbery of January 2006

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Jacques Verges, in his book “The strategy of trial” says: “In any case, it is a fact that every trial hides a political conflict and that justice is steadily full armed to defend the status quo”. A view that reflects with high definition a reality that gets imprinted infinitely on the map of human societies that were organized on the basis of systems which had inequality, un-rightfulness, forcing and exploitation as fundamental elements of their function.

The historical contribution of the judicial system, as it has been implied through the centuries, was nothing more than the imposition of the interests of the class-in-power upon society, by more ‘gentrificated’ means. Michel Foucault in the book ‘On the popular justice and the trials” similarly records that ‘the penal system, of which the function during the middle ages was basically financial, for a special period, was organized within the hard effort to repress the  insurrections. Up to that point, the job of repressing popular uprisings was primarily military. Ever since it ensures it, or better, it prevents it, a complex system of justice-police-jail. Its role is to force people accept their situation as proletariat and the terms for the exploitation of the proletariat”.
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Escape from Oblivion (first attempt) 2010


Giannis Dimitrakis

I always keep in mind that image of myself, passing by the prison, unconsciously looking up at the high walls and the barbed wire on top. Which prison was it? Whenever I went with some friends by motorcycle to the Nikaia neighborhood, we rode down Grigoriou Lambraki Street, and the stone walls of Korydallos Prison mesmerized me. I don’t know why. Was it because there were times I found myself on the nearby streets—breathing room, but never too close, since all the approaches were completely blocked by the police—simply because of one of the marches in solidarity with comrade prisoners? Or was it perhaps because that enormous, imposing building, so diligently concealing everything going on inside its heart—an entirely unknown world with its own laws and rules, full of heroic stories and human torment—merely piqued my curiosity?
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De la teoría a la práctica [Giannis Dimitrakis]


Choque. Conflicto. Enfrentamiento. Palabras cargadas que excitan particularmente a la fantasía y suben la adrenalina. Para algunos no son más que unos vocablos que llenan un diccionario, mientras para otros recuerdan a un accidente de tráfico o una pelea con alguien. No obstante, allí donde las palabras adquieren un peso especial y un tono diferente es en las conciencias de aquellos cuales al escucharlas reviven las imágenes de los enfrentamientos con el Estado y sus mecanismos, con los soberanos de la sociedad y sus criados. Intransigentes e irreconciliables hasta el último suspiro. En algunos casos, puede que hasta te tengas que enfrentar a la misma muerte.
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Exarchia, Atene: Testo dell’anarchico Yannis Dimitrakis (3/8) 2012 (it/fr)


Il 2 Agosto, circa 45 poliziotti di diverse unità della polizia hanno preso d’assalto la piazza Exarchia, ed hanno detenuto l’anarchico Yannis Dimitrakis da un caffetteria di via Tsamadou, dove stava prendendo il caffè, per trasferirlo poi al quartier generale della polizia d’Atene. Dopo diverse ore, il compagno è stato rilasciato. Questo è il testo che ha scritto il giorno dopo in riguardo alla sua detenzione:
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Escape from Oblivion (first attempt)


Giannis Dimitrakis


I always keep in mind that image of myself, passing by the prison, unconsciously looking up at the high walls and the barbed wire on top. Which prison was it? Whenever I went with some friends by motorcycle to the Nikaia neighborhood, we rode down Grigoriou Lambraki Street, and the stone walls of Korydallos Prison mesmerized me. I don’t know why. Was it because there were times I found myself on the nearby streets—breathing room, but never too close, since all the approaches were completely blocked by the police—simply because of one of the marches in solidarity with comrade prisoners? Or was it perhaps because that enormous, imposing building, so diligently concealing everything going on inside its heart—an entirely unknown world with its own laws and rules, full of heroic stories and human torment—merely piqued my curiosity?
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Echapper à l’oubli (première tentative)


Giannis Dimitrakis

J’ai toujours gardé en tête cette image de moi-même, regardant inconsciemment les hauts murs surmontés de barbelés à chaque fois que je passais devant une prison. Devant quelle prison ? Eh bien, chaque fois que j’allais rendre visite à des amis dans le quartier de Nikea en moto et que je descendais la rue Grigoriou Lambraki, la prison de Korydallos avec ses murs de pierre attirait mon regard. Je ne sais pas pourquoi cela advenait.
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De la teoría a la práctica (2009)


Giannis Dimitrakis

Choque. Conflicto. Enfrentamiento. Palabras cargadas que excitan particularmente a la fantasía y suben la adrenalina. Para algunos no son más que unos vocablos que llenan un diccionario, mientras para otros recuerdan a un accidente de tráfico o una pelea con alguien. No obstante, allí donde las palabras adquieren un peso especial y un tono diferente es en las conciencias de aquellos cuales al escucharlas reviven las imágenes de los enfrentamientos con el Estado y sus mecanismos, con los soberanos de la sociedad y sus criados. Intransigentes e irreconciliables hasta el último suspiro. En algunos casos, puede que hasta te tengas que enfrentar a la misma muerte.
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Texto del anarquista Giannis Dimitrakis


Exarchia, Atenas


El 2 de agosto, unos 45 maderos de diversas unidades policiales asaltaron la plaza de Exarchia, detuvieron al anarquista Giannis Dimitrakis en un café de la calle Tsamadou donde se estaba tomando un café y, luego, lo trasladaron a la Jefatura de Policía de Atenas. Varias horas después, el compa fue liberado. Sigue un texto que escribió al día siguiente sobre su detención:
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