Tag Archives: eco

Sviluppo sostenibile


Eugène Benoît
È nel 1980, in un rapporto comune del Programma delle Nazioni Unite per l’ambiente e del World Wildlife Fund, che è comparsa per la prima volta la nozione di «sviluppo sostenibile». Successivamente è stata avanzata nel rapporto «Bruntland», dal nome del primo ministro norvegese che presiedeva la commissione delle Nazioni Unite per l’ambiente e lo sviluppo. Ecco la definizione: «Uno sviluppo che risponda ai bisogni del presente senza compromettere la capacità delle generazioni future di rispondere ai loro».
Non esiste definizione assai più precisa di «sviluppo sostenibile». Il suo significato dipende dai rapporti di forza sociali fra diversi gruppi di interessi che con questo termine difendono obiettivi in gran parte contraddittori. In effetti questi sono ufficialmente di tre tipi: mantenere l’integrità dell’ambientemigliorare l’equità socialemigliorare l’efficacia economica. Secondo gli agenti sociali coinvolti, difensori dell’ambiente, industriali o Stati (più o meno industrializzati), lo «sviluppo sostenibile» ricoprirà quindi priorità del tutto differenti, senza che per questo il significato imposto nel senso comune – sinonimo di rispetto dell’ambiente e divenuto strumento di marketing politico e commerciale – ne sia toccato.

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Finland: Pyhäjoki anti-nuclear camp call for international solidarity


First Call out 28.04.16:

The police attacked the ‘Stop Fennovoima camp’ at Pyhäjoki – We need help immediately!

28.4. around 3 pm, a riot cops and a police patrol with dogs started to approach the camp. We communicated clearly to the police with a megaphone that they are not welcome, and we don’t want to engage in conflict with them. The police didn’t say anything or answer to any questions.
Continue reading Finland: Pyhäjoki anti-nuclear camp call for international solidarity

Pyhäjoki, Finland: The police attacked the ‘Stop Fennovoima camp’ – We need help immediately!


Today 28.4. around 3 pm, a riot cops and a police patrol with dogs started to approach the camp. We communicated clearly to the police with a megaphone that they are not welcome, and we don’t want to engage in conflict with them. The police didn’t say anything or answer to any questions.
Continue reading Pyhäjoki, Finland: The police attacked the ‘Stop Fennovoima camp’ – We need help immediately!

Denuncian nueva incursión de maquinaria en tierras ejidales por ilegal construcción de nuevo aeropuerto AICM (es/en)




* Llaman a acopio de herramienta para el 3 de mayo: Palas planas y cucharudas, picos, rastrillos, barreras.

Continue reading Denuncian nueva incursión de maquinaria en tierras ejidales por ilegal construcción de nuevo aeropuerto AICM (es/en)

Both Pyhäjoki camps evicted and trashed in a classical manner: fear not, hardships are made to be temporary


The police has evicted both camps and trashed all constructions inside them. The struggle continues! More info coming soon…

A nonviolent human chain with lock-ons blocked the traffic to the construction on 28.4.

Continue reading Both Pyhäjoki camps evicted and trashed in a classical manner: fear not, hardships are made to be temporary

Lons-le-Saunier (Jura): récit d’une arrestation – venez soutenir Grégoire à son appel le 4 mai !


Bonjour, Grégoire a été arrêté et incarcéré suite à un infotour de la ZAD à Lons-le-Saunier.
Un certain nombre d’entre vous l’avez rencontré lors des réunions d’infos de ces dernier mois ou sur la ZAD.
Nous appelons à relayer cet appel et à venir le soutenir le 4 mai à Rennes lors de son procès.
Continue reading Lons-le-Saunier (Jura): récit d’une arrestation – venez soutenir Grégoire à son appel le 4 mai !

Italy – SOLIDARITY AND COMPLICITY: notes on Silvia’s, Billy’s and Costa’s attempted attack on IBM in Switzerland and on the trial in Italy


Book, 72 pages, 5 euros
In the numerous solidarity initiatives organized in the last months in many places all over Italy, we felt there was a want for a paper that collected some writings in solidarity, our declarations to the court and the many initiatives and direct actions carried out during the time of our imprisonment. Obviously, such a collection of writings is not meant for self-celebration or attention-seeking; instead, by revisiting that ‘season’, it intends to (re)trace the path that represents the continuity of a struggle inside and outside, during and after our imprisonment.
Continue reading Italy – SOLIDARITY AND COMPLICITY: notes on Silvia’s, Billy’s and Costa’s attempted attack on IBM in Switzerland and on the trial in Italy

Heavy attack on high-voltage cable in Hambach (Germany)

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On the evening of 23 April a group of saboteurs set fire to high-voltage cables at the Hambach site, preventing the place from working. Hambach forest is the scene of a protracted ecological battle against the company RWE, which is aiming to destroy the forest for coal mining. The construction operation will now suffer huge financial losses due to the successful arson.

Find the communique in German here:
