El siguiente texto ademas de hacer una análisis y tratar de profundizar en algunos aspectos de la actual situación en torno al anarquismo en el estado español, es una aportación (o al menos pretende serlo) al debate entre compañerxs anarquistas, ya que la idea misma de escribirlo surge de diferentes conversaciones, debates y cuestionamientos surgidos a raiz de algunos hechos recientes pero que hemos querido profundizar más para llegar hasta el transfondo de la cuestión dando nuestra propia perspectiva Continue reading Algunas reflexiones sobre el anarco-civismo en el estado español→
“La civilización es la dominación del mundo salvaje, de la naturaleza de los seres vivos que habitan el planeta. Ésta es una cuestión esencial en la actualidad vigente, una Era de feroz tecno-industrialización, que corroe la esencia de la vida, la libertad. Es por esto, necesario elevar la catástrofe de una Era que hace mucho que está caduca, debemos alzar por encima de la vieja moral o ética de la sociedad posmoderna, el individualismo salvaje, por la que la unicitidad egoístas de todos los seres vivos, se vea siempre elevándose por encima de la edad de la razón científica o humanística, sujeta al antropocentrismo, destruyendo con ésto, las ideas religiosas y morales, la idea del hombre moderno y todo su orden criminal. ”
El siguiente Cortometraje documental muestra como la empresa española ENDESA afectado la vida de las familias Mapuche Pehuenches. El documental fue elaborado a raíz de una visita de realizo el equipo de Voces en lucha, dondetuvo la oportunidad de convivir con la familia Treka, de la comunidad mapuche Callaqui, en Alto Bío Bío.
Pudiendo así plasmar en un documental la cruda realidad de las diferentes familias que fueron despojadas de sus territorios ancestrales, desterradas a la miseria y pobreza.
In preparation for the demonstration against the high voltage power lines that are planned to be set up in the Haute Durance (some miles after the Montgenevre Pass) next May Day, we translate [from French] and spread a press release issued by the movement No THT about the events that took the last week during the occupation of RTE offices (the subsidiary of EDF, the French electricity company, which deals with the construction of new lines) in St. Crépin. The event of May Day, which will start at 11 am from the parking lot on the National Road 94 in L’Argentiere La Bessée, will be an important opportunity to bring our solidarity with the militants involved in the mobilization against yet another polluting project and to reiterate that the struggle against the harmful effects know no borders! Continue reading France: No THT! Update from Campaign Against Power Lines (en/it/fr)→
Anti-Coal Mining Fight continues in the Rhineland in the Hambacher Forest (previously on S!N)for the 4th consecutive year with direct action, forest barricades, and three treesits/treehouse occupations: Oaktown, Beechtown, F*ck Off, and Death Trap. Sending a message to those engaging in exploitation of natural resources in the form of brown coal and other fossil fools that their destruction of natural habitats such as Hambacher Forest and ensuing global mercury and cadmium emissions combined with CO2 dumping and its global climate chaos effects will not be tolerated.
After the previous month’s clearing of barricades the forest once again has been blocked with ditches, ground, hanging and living barricades and continues to be occupied in multiplicity of platforms and treehouses. We call on you to join us and make it possible for comrades who have spent a winter and the cutting season in the forest to take a well earned rest. Continue reading Hambach Forest: Eviction Alert!→
It isn’t that there’s no energy afoot in the world. On any given day on any continent, one can see anti-government riots; direct actions in support of animal liberation or to protect the earth; concerted efforts to resist the building of dams, superhighways, industrial installations; prison uprisings; spontaneous outbreaks of targeted vandalism by the fed-up and pissed-off; wildcat strikes; and the energy of countless infoshops, zines, primitive skills camps, schools, and gatherings; radical reading groups, Food Not Bombs, etc. The list of oppositional acts and alternative projects is very considerable. Continue reading THE LEFT? NO THANKS! by John Zerzan→
Anti-Coal Mining Fight continues in the Rhineland in the Hambacher Forest for the 4th consecutive year with direct action, forest barricades, and three treesits/treehouse occupations: Oaktown, Beechtown, F*ck Off, and Death Trap. Sending a message to those engaging in exploitation of natural resources in the form of brown coal and other fossil fools that their destruction of natural habitats such as Hambacher Forest and ensuing global mercury and cadmium emissions combined with CO2 dumping and its global climate chaos effects will not be tolerated. Continue reading URGENT: Hambacher Forest Eviction Alert!→
Da spinta dal bass -Per la seconda volta in pochi mesi la ditta EuroGeo srl di Paderno Dugnano ha dovuto interrompere prima del tempo i sondaggi per la Torino-Lione. Sono sondaggi presumibilmente funzionali alla progettazione definitiva della tratta nazionale del Tav, da Avigliana a Orbassano passando sotto la collina morenica. E proprio sulla collina morenica nel comune di Buttigliera erano state segnalate ieri un paio di trivelle. Il sondaggio M8 è stato però interrotto ben prima della sua conclusione, ed è bastato davvero poco: la presenza degli attivisti no tav e l’annuncio di qualche appuntamento. Il sondaggio doveva arrivare a 60 metri di profondità, ma i contenitori delle carote dai 30 metri in su sono rimasti vuoti. Continue reading Buttigliera, trivella smontata e sondaggio interrotto→