Tag Archives: Encyclopédie des Nuisances

Encyclopédie des nuisances, Indirizzo – a tutti coloro che non vogliono gestire le nocività ma sopprimerle

Indirizzo cover

Il cammino che conduce dalla messa in questione delle gerarchie irresponsabili all’instaurazione di un controllo sociale che domini in piena coscienza i mezzi materiali e tecnici, passa attraverso una critica unitaria delle nocività.
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L’Encyclopedie des Nuisances

A bottomless chasm, or at any rate one that cannot be plumbed, we call an abyss. What of the gulf into which this society of dispossession is plunging before our very eyes? That there may be no end to this descent, or that it may end only with the self-destruction of the human race — these are, of course, mere hypotheses, much like the famous “China syndrome” itself. The crushing presence of such a possibility, however, already sits in judgment over all human actions and governs the construction of the various “safety barriers” whereby a world at war with its own power hopes to avoid a terrifying end by surviving in an endless terror. The real question is therefore: How many Chernobyls will be needed before the truth of the old slogan “Revolution or death!” is recognized as the last word of the scientific thought of this century?
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Compendium – Encyclopédie des Nuisances (en/es)


The post-situationist French group Encyclopedie des Nuisances’ critique of the Situationist International, primarily concerning Guy Debord, in the form of a review of two books on the history of the SI by Jean-Francoise Martos and Pascal Dumontier.

Compendium – Encyclopédie des Nuisances
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