Tag Archives: Fifth Estate Magazine

Witch Hazel (two texts)


Witch Hazel

Against agriculture & in defense of cultivation

The Revolt of Adam & Eve: A Green Anarcha-Feminist Perspective

It doesn’t take a health food nut to see that modern society has a dysfunctional relationship with food. As in almost every other arena of life, our priorities are elsewhere — if not in wage slavery and staying out of debt, then in escapist entertainment or selfniumbing addictions. Even among radicals and anarchists, healthy and mindful dietary practices are often considered a luxury reserved for that mythical post-revolutionary era that we are supposedly laying the groundwork for, when our children’s children, or their children, can enjoy safe, pure, nutritious food.
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The Myth of Entrapment

jenny of Sacramento Prisoner Support

The Myth of Entrapment

The Eric McDavid case as a model for government misconduct in Green Scare prosecutions

The word entrapment conjures images of agent provocateurs, phone taps, and men in suits listening to fuzzy conversations in white vans down the street. But most of all, it feeds into the myth of justice in a system that is hell-bent on pursuing the malicious prosecution of any and all movements that dare to oppose it.

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TFSR: Fifth Estate Magazine (A conversation with Peter Werbe)


Streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on February 16th through February 22nd, 2015, then podcasting at radio4all.net. Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, KXCF in Marshall, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM