Se la scienza venisse messa al servizio del capitale, la docilità dell’operaio recalcitrante sarebbe assicurata
Andrew Ure, Filosofia dei manufatti, 1835
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Tag Archives: france
MONEY HONEY ! Os Cangaceiros
Après avoir restreint en avril 84 les dérisoires
allocations-chômage le gouvernement, en collaboration
avec les salopes syndicales, lance une
nouvelle offensive contre la jeunesse.
Tout est fait de l’ANPE aux tribunaux pour
nous empêcher de prendre notre dû : l’argent
que l’État nous DOIT pour notre jeunesse gâchée,
au travail, par les divers contrôles de
la vie quotidienne [1] ; de l’ANPE à la prison en
passant par les flics, tout est fait pour nous
obliger à survivre au MINIMUM.
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Calais: Squat Evictions Planned for May 30th
We are a group of people from different countries and different political backgrounds who are fighting for the right to housing for everyone , whatever their origin. Since the end of February we have held three empty public buildings, abandoned by the DPO of Calais on Rue de Vic, Rue Auber and Rue Massena. Although there are no plans for these houses, the DPO has engaged in legal proceedings and the court has ruled that the buildings are to be vacated on 30th May
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Discourse on Voluntary Servitude (en/it/fr/de/pt/hr)
By Étienne de la Boétie (1549)
see no good in having several lords;
Let one alone be master, let one alone be king.
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A Crime Called Freedom: The Writings of Os Cangaceiros (Volume One)
Os Cangaceiros
Os Cangaceiros was a group of delinquents with nothing but contempt for the self-sacrificial ideology practiced by “specialists in armed struggle”. This uncontrollable band of social rebels wreaked havoc on the French state by attacking the infrastructures of oppression, supporting popular revolts, stealing and releasing secret blueprints for high-tech prisons, raiding the offices of corporate collaborators, and creating their lives in complete opposition to the world based on work. This volume, translated by Wolfi Landstreicher, is the first collection of the writings of Os Cangaceiros in English.
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Zo d’Axa’s Heresy
According to the etymology of the word, a heretic is one “who chooses”., choice meant in the strongest of its accepted meanings, as active decision, certainly not in the bland dress of adjustment. A heretic is no one who limits himself to belonging, approving, following. Nor is he even one who is content to study, learn and repeat. A heretic is not one who knows the old answers by heart, but rather one who loves to formulate new questions. The heretic does not demand approval, but rather critique; he does not want to maintain, but to change. If the heretic usually doesn’t go very far, a reproach that is often made against him, it is because he spends his time opening new paths rather than going down all too well-trodden ones.
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Guardian of the Cemetery
Louise Michel
A Canaque legend, recorded in verse by Louise Michel in New Caledonia in 1875.
Translated from the French by Robert P. Helms
[The anarchist Louise Michel was exiled to New Caledonia in the South Pacific after the supression of the Paris
Commune in 1871. She had fought with the communards and served as director of elementary schools. While in New Caledonia,
she learned the native language and then recorded songs and legends of the native Canaque people. – Ed.]
He is there night and day, old Nehewoué, the guardian of the cemetery.
Each rising sun finds him sleeping, exhausted as he is by night work, and the light of every moon sees him stand.
He goes to gather the herbs that conjure: they conjure life and they conjure death.
He knows, old Nehewoué, how to conserve the spark that animates the old man, and he can extinguish the hearts of strong men, just as we suffocate a torch underneath our feet.
From far off, we come to see the guardian of the cemetery and consult with him; with the one who lives with the dead that sleep in the branches and the dead that sleep under the earth.
He hears the sounds that climb and the sounds that descend, Nehewoué the guardian of the dead.
What do the bones say to you, Nehewoué, when they crack in the branches with the wind’s breath?
Do you hear the worm in the flesh? Do you hear the eager hawk?
Why have you become powerful and terrible, Nehewoué? It’s because you live with the dead, and death is more powerful than life.
Albert Libertad
We don’t have faith, we have absolutely no confidence in our success: we are certain that we have neglected nothing, that we have made all our efforts in order to be on the correct road.
We are not certain that we will succeed: we are not certain that we are right. We don’t know, it is not possible for us to know if success will be at the end of our efforts, if it will be the reward; we try to act so that, logically, we should arrive at the result that interests us.
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Samedi 24 mai 2014: Journée de débats et concerts (FRAP)
Comment on en est arrivé là? (FRAP)
Samedi 24 mai, de 11h à minuit, au Transfo.
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