Tag Archives: germany

Berlin – Fire to Sodexo! Italian translation by eco-anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch


Italian translation by Marco Camenisch linksunten.indymedia.org
Translated into English by act for freedom now
For almost 20 years company Sodexo has been the target of people like us, who are struggling against the racist and neo-colonialist system. It started in 1997, when Sodexo offered to take on catering and other services destined to refugees in the knowledge this would result in a huge turnover. Since then Sodexo has been internationally known as a company who became a big multinational operating in many countries under low cost management, i.e. by racially reducing human life to a question of figures.
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Art and Religion (1842)


Max Stirner
translated by Lawrence Stepelevich
Now, as soon as man suspects that he has another side of himself [Jenseits] within himself, and that he is not enough in his mere natural state, then he is driven on to divide himself into that which he actually is, and that which he should become. Just as the youth is the future of the boy, and the mature man the future of the innocent child, so that othersider [Jenseitiger] is the future man who must be expected on the other side of this present reality.
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