Tag Archives: greece

Carta del preso anarquista Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos -2013 (es/it)



Presentamos la carta de A.D.Bourzoukos, uno de los 4 compañeros anarquistas detenidos el 1 de febrero del 2013 por el doble atraco realizado en localidad de Velvedo.

“Quedaba aún mucha luz para que amanezca
Pero yo no he aceptado la derrota”
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LETTER FROM GERASIMOS TSAKALOS Member of the Cell of Imprisoned Members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire


We have rage
On the morning of November 1st we were moving around in the area of Pagkrati in order to act in the framework of the campaign for international solidarity the organization had decided together with comrade and brother P.Argirou. Because, however, of the police-like curiosity of an employee of a courier company, certain personal errors and our being surrounded by the pigs of the DIAS group and other police forces that isolated the area, there was little choice and we were led to the building of GADA (police headquarters building) to the floor of the anti-terrorist police.
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Il lavoro libera?


Il lavoro invade e determina tutta la nostra esistenza. Il tempo scorre impietosamente al suo ritmo mentre noi facciamo la spola fra identici ambienti deprimenti ad una velocità sempre crescente. Il tempo del lavoro… Il tempo produttivo… Il tempo libero… Ogni nostra minima attività ne è coinvolta: si considera l’acquisizione della conoscenza un investimento per una carriera futura, la gioia viene trasformata in divertimento e si dibatte in un’orgia di consumo, la nostra creatività è schiacciata negli angusti limiti della produttività, i nostri rapporti — perfino i nostri incontri erotici — parlano la lingua della prestazione e del rendimento… La nostra perversione ha raggiunto un punto tale che ricerchiamo qualsiasi forma di lavoro, anche volontario, pur di riempire il nostro vuoto esistenziale, pur di «fare qualcosa».
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Text by anarchist Yannis Dimitrakis (3/8) 2012


On August 2nd, nearly 45 cops from various police units stormed Exarchia square, detained anarchist Yannis Dimitrakis from a café on Tsamadou Street where he was having his coffee, and then transferred him to Athens police headquarters. After several hours, the comrade was released. Here is a text he wrote the next day about his detention:
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Statement by Theofilos Mavropoulos’ comrades (2011) en/it


From Culmine (May 21, 2011):

Our comrade, revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos, lies wounded in the hospital after an armed confrontation with the fucking Police pigs in the suburb of Pefki. There, together with another comrade, he chose the path of no surrender when a patrol car stopped to identify them. During the confrontation, two pigs were wounded, as was our comrade. Meanwhile, the other comrade who was there managed to escape by taking the police patrol car.
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