Tag Archives: greece

Political letter to society (2010)


by Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas

29 April 2010

We undertake political responsibility for our participation in Revolutionary Struggle [Epanastatikos Agonas]. We declare that comrade Lambros Foundas, who died in Dafni on 10 March 2010 after a battle with the police, also participated in Revolutionary Struggle. The battle was part of the subversive project decided on collectively by Revolutionary Struggle. It was a battle for revolution and freedom.
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The Sun Still Rises


 Fire Cells Conspiracy


Knowledge chooses its project,
each project is new and chooses its moments,
each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from
the memory of all the moments that existed before

— The Interior of the Absolute
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Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis: An Extract from Diary of a Bomb-Thrower*


In early April 2010, Greek anarchist prisoner Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis (now released) wrote this text in solidarity with the people being charged in the Fire Cells Conspiracy case. Many thanks to the comrades who included it in their Spanish-language Fire Cells Conspiracy compendium entitled Blowing Up the Existent: Reflections on Minority Combat.
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Comunicado del grupo “Secta de los Revolucionarios” por el asesinato de un policía, Grecia


Secta de los Revolucionarios

Nota por Liberación Total:

El pasado 17 de junio, a las 6:45 de la mañana desconocidxs asesinaron con 24 balas a un policía de la sección antiterroristas en Grecia. Lo siguiente es el comunicado y una introducción por lxs traductores/as que nos fue enviado al mail, agradecemos la colaboración y nuestra mejor forma de hacerlo es difundiéndolo.
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Lettera del compagno anarchico Giannis Mihailidis (it/es)



Con questa lettera cerco di spiegare le mie posizioni e le mie scelte come parte dell’azione anarchica insurrezionale e spero che essa funzioni come incentivo per la sua diffusione. Non è stata scritta da una prospettiva ideologica precisa o una tendenza ben consolidata. Si tratta del risultato di furti al “supermercato delle ideologie” e mie riflessioni.
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