Tag Archives: greece
Ρέθυμνο: Συλλογή μεταχειρισμένων βιβλίων για οικονομική ενίσχυση
Το αντιεξουσιαστικό και κινηματικό βιβλιοπωλείο Laboratorio Influenza διοργανώνει Book Bazaar Αλληλεγγύης την Κυριακή 15 Μάη 2016, στο Στεκι Πολιτιστικών Ομάδων στο Ρέθυμνο, Ν. Φωκά 82 (Μακρύ Στενό).
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Aggiornamento sul processo del primo maggio
Italy – A letter to Greek comrades by 1st May 2015’s prisoners Casper, Molestio and Iddu
1st May 2015’s prisoners
Milan, 22-03-2016
Dear Nikos, Fivos, Kostas, Odysseas, Alexandros,
We are very glad and feel close to you after receiving your letter in complicity and solidarity. We take the chance to answer you with this letter, which we want to be public.
Antifa protest in Elefsina, Greece in solidarity to refugees and against fascists (23/4/2016)
International call by C.C.F. for the campaign Fuck Nations- Squat the World
The well-regulated normality of social life within systems of power is not the product of a one-dimensional strategic perception that follows a determined path, but on the contrary it’s the totality of many well-thought and tested logics, tactics and practices. It’s a fact that power would not be what it is today, had it not been in a constant process of self-evolution covering previous deficiencies and weaknesses in the management of social tolerance of its followers. It is not accidental that there have been and continue to appear entire political and philosophical currents that examine the necessity of power structures within human societies. Through the constant appearance of experiments, studies and dissertations, a series of political and scientific think-tanks arm the hand of power with more and more specialized methods that ensure social tolerance.
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Secondo comunicato dei 5 ricercati dalle autorità italiane
Il primo maggio 2015 a Milano c’è stata una gigantesca manifestazione nel contesto della giornata dei lavoratori. Non era semplicemente una giornata di sciopero generale, ma piuttosto una giornata nazionale di incontro tra movimenti (sindacati di base, centri sociali, collettivi studenteschi e universitari, comitati di lotta per la casa, comunità di migranti, il movimento No Tav, eccetera) contro le misure di austerity varate nell’ultimo periodo dal governo Renzi. Era anche la giornata culmine del movimento NoExpo contro la fiera aziendale internazionale Expo 2015 che vedeva la partecipazione di persone da diversi paesi dell’Europa e la sua provocatoriamente sfarzosa inaugurazione. La manifestazione così massiccia e determinata è stata appunto il culmine di un movimento lungo 7 anni che ha messo in discussione la fiera e la campagna politica che si giocava intorno ad essa, mettendo in crisi le carriere politiche dei politicanti e dei “capetti” locali.
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Βγήκε σε 500 αντίτυπα και στόχος μας είναι να εκδίδεται σε άτακτη – τακτική περιοδική βάση. Θα την βρήτε στις Ρ.Α.Ε, στα αυτοοργανωμένα αντιεξουσιαστικά στέκια και καταλήψεις, στα βιβλιοπολεία αναρχικού και αλληλέγγυου περιεχομένου. Δίνεται στο ελάχιστο ποσόν των 2 ε για να καλύψει τα έξοδα του επόμενου τεύχους που πρέπει να εκδοθεί σύντομα. Φυσικά διανέμεται δωρεάν σε όλους τους φυλακισμένους συντρόφους και βασίζεται στην έμπρακτη αλληλεγγύη όλων μας.
Συνεισφέρετε στην διάδοσή της πανελλαδικά. Για επικοινωνία μαζί μας εδώ:blackgreenanarchy@espiv.net
A la mierda las naciones, Okupa el mundo (Fuck Nations, Squat the World)
A la mierda las naciones, Okupa el mundo.
[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Insurrection News]
La forma de entender una okupación, fue, es y debe seguir siendo la de una herramienta poderosa en manos de lxs compañerxs que las rodean.Esta herramienta está evolucionando a través del continuo espacio-tiempo, y por lo tanto creemos que es necesaria la presentación de un par de «puntos» históricos. La okupación, como infraestructura estable, hace su primera aparición en Grecia pero también en muchos otros países de Europa y más allá durante los 70″s.
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