Tag Archives: Guerre Au Paradis Journal



« La guerre sociale est une vieille histoire, elle est le constat que de tout temps, des conflictualités diverses ont opposé à la domination des formes de réponses variées. De l’attaque diffuse, petite, grande, communiquée ou non, reproductible à souhait aux grèves sauvages, occupations, sabotages jusqu’à l’émeute, la prise d’arme, l’insurrection… Jamais le répit de la domination ne fut total, et notre but est de le briser hargneusement, mais avec la joie qui caractérise l’émancipation. La guerre sociale ne se commence pas, l’on ne peut qu’y contribuer. »

Considerations on Nihilism


Guerre au Paradis

We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.

Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.

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Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis)


We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.

Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.
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Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis)


We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.

Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.
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Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis) 2010

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We would have preferred not to feel the need to write these lines. We would rather speak of love, of freedom and fresh water, leaving aside the negative, at least for a moment. However: a spectre haunts the revolutionary tension, the spectre of nihilism.

Not the “classical” nihilism, represented by Nechaev and his like of the 19th century. Though maybe we can detect similarities, see a continuity between the old and the new manifestations of this attitude.
Continue reading Considerations on Nihilism (Guerre au Paradis) 2010