Tag Archives: Hambach forest



Wald­be­set­ze­rin­nen wer­den über den Koh­le­ab­bau/ Ver­stro­mung, den Ham­ba­cher Forst und über den Wi­der­stand be­rich­ten.
Mit im Ruck­sack ist In­fo­ma­ti­ons­ma­te­ri­al, Filme, ne Power Point Pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Fo­to­au­stel­lung und Spaß.
Hier die de­zei­ti­gen Daten, Orte und Uhr­zei­ten.
Mön­chenglad­bach,Düs­sel­dorf, Bie­le­feld, Wend­land, Mag­d­e­burg, Hil­des­heim, Bre­men, Ol­den­burg
Continue reading Hambacher Forest – INFORMATIONSTOUR JUNI

“We Oppose All This Shit”; An Interview from the Hambach Forest Occupation


Since April 2012, activists in Germany have occupied the Hambach forest to prevent the expansion of Europe’s largest open-cast coal mine. The mine expansion project would mean the clearcutting of the forest and the eviction of thousands of local residents.

On March 27, 2014, the forest occupation was evicted by police. The next day, Sonny, an activist in the Hambach occupation, visited the Earth First! Journal office to tell us about the campaign, the eviction, and what we can do to help:

Continue reading “We Oppose All This Shit”; An Interview from the Hambach Forest Occupation

Germany: Hambach Forest occupation evicted a third time – Reoccupation scheduled for April 26th


After the crackdown on the third occupation in the Hambach Forest, activists are determined to reoccupy the Hambach Forest on April 26th, 2014. On that day, a demonstration will start at 2pm at the train station in Buir (near Cologne).
Continue reading Germany: Hambach Forest occupation evicted a third time – Reoccupation scheduled for April 26th

Build RESISTANCE – Skillsharing Camp – Hambacher Forest (de) en/es/de



This April there will be a skill sharing for two weeks on the oc­cupa­ti­on of the Ham­ba­cher Forst/ Ham­bach Fo­rest. We want to let grow a big di­ver­si­ty of dif­fe­rent theo­re­ti­cal and prac­tical work­shops, di­s­cus­sions, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons,ac­tions and so on. Ever­y­bo­dy is in­vi­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te, to bring in own ideas, to share some skills, to offer work­shops, to pre­sent so­me­thing or to ex­press her_his dis­plea­su­re about the de­struc­tion of na­tu­re and op­pres­si­on in crea­ti­ve way.
Continue reading Build RESISTANCE – Skillsharing Camp – Hambacher Forest (de) en/es/de

Alemania: Otra vez de¬struc¬ción de la in¬frae¬struc¬tu¬ra de la ocup¬a¬ción del bos¬que por la policía y RWE


10/10/2013 Ham­ba­cher Forst – Ayer al medio día la ocup­a­ción del bos­que fue ata­ca­da di­rec­ta­men­te por se­g­un­da vez desde sep­tiem­bre. Es­colt­a­das por una cen­tu­ria las mo­to­si­er­ras y una ex­ca­va­do­ra se ab­rie­ron paso por el bos­que. Con cas­cos y so­me­ti­da a la au­to­ri­dad la policía hizo su apor­te para la de­struc­ción de cada base de vida hu­ma­na y no-​hu­ma­na en todo el mundo.
Continue reading Alemania: Otra vez de¬struc¬ción de la in¬frae¬struc¬tu¬ra de la ocup¬a¬ción del bos¬que por la policía y RWE