Tag Archives: Hambach forest

updated from hambach forest [germany]


Mr. Blue is free!

After almost 2.5 months of remand (#U-Haft) #MrBlue is free at last! So currently there are no Hambach Forest (#Hambi) prisoners (#Gefangenen)!


About: The trial has not been completed, because not enough witnesses were summoned. Mr. Blue was released under reporting requirements. We are very happy!

Trial against Mr. Blue on December 18th!
 Continue reading updated from hambach forest [germany] 

Essen, Germany: Attack against RWE energy company headquarters in the context of the COP21 (en/de/fr)


In the night of Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th December 2015, we beautified the headquarters of the RWE energy company in Essen with paint-bombs and pieces of bitumen, to insist that RWE is responsible for climate change. RWE is the largest European CO2 emitter at the top, in addition to several coal power plants, opencast mines and coal plants in the Rhine region. Therefore, RWE has its share of responsibility for the thousands of people who now die every year as a result of climate change throughout the world.
Continue reading Essen, Germany: Attack against RWE energy company headquarters in the context of the COP21 (en/de/fr)

Florian, Marte and a third person are free!


On Friday dec. 18th 2015, 9:30 am the trial will take place against Mr. Blue in the district court of Düren, August-Klotz-Straße 14.
Open Street Map

On Wednesday, dec. 16th 2015 the trial took place at 11:00 a.m. against NoNameYetPublicly before the Amtsgericht (district court) of Cologne. Meeting place for supporters was at 10 o’clock before the courthouse (Luxemburger Straße 101).
Judgment: 40 daily rate fines or days, of which 21 already have been served. So this person is free again!

December 10, 2015 Today Florian and Marte were released from prison in Cologne-Ossendorf, where loving people welcomed and hugged them. We are delighted, but don’t forget that two more of our friends are still in prison. Read more soon at this place. To all supporters thanks for the mountains of letters and other support!


deutsch | français | español

Prozess gegen U-Haft Gefangenen von der Waldbesetzung im Hambacher Forst


Immer noch sitzen 2 Aktivist_innen der Waldbesetzung in Untersuchungshaft, eine_r in Köln, eine_r in Aachen. Der Kölner Person soll am Mittwoch, den 16. Dezember, der Prozess gemacht werden. Er wurde im November unter dem Vorwurf des Raubüberfalls und des Ladendiebstahls verhaftet und sitzt seitdem in Köln-Ossendorf.
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free the four – Soli KüfA: Film- und Diskussionsabend zur Hambacher Forst Besetzung



Auszug aus einer Solierklärung[1]

„Seit dem 07.10. und 22.10.2015 sitzen Marte, Florian und Mr. Blue in Untersuchungshaft in Köln und Aachen. Unseren Compas wird „Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt und Störung von Betriebsabläufen der RWE“ zur Last gelegt.
Continue reading free the four – Soli KüfA: Film- und Diskussionsabend zur Hambacher Forst Besetzung

Trial against environmental activist


On Tuesday, December 8th, will be heard a trial for coercion before the District Court in Cologne against an environmental activist. Background is a rail blockade of the Hambach railway on August 1, 2014 during the action days of the climate camp in Rhenania.

Our press release to this action (German) and a similar action on August 16 & 17 (English)
Continue reading Trial against environmental activist

Solidaritätserklärung mit den “Three”


Solidaritätserklärung anlässlich drei inhaftierten Compas im Rheinland/ Deutschland.
Seit dem 07.10. und 22.10.2015 sitzen Marte, Florian und Mr. Blue in Untersuchungshaft in Köln und Aachen. Unseren Compas wird „Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt und Störung von Betriebsabläufen der RWE“ zur Last gelegt.
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