The Hambach Forest, in Southwest Germany, is the site of an ongoing forest and meadow occupation against the expansion of the adjacent lignite (brown coal) mine.
Continue reading Giant Coal Excavator Occupied
The Hambach Forest, in Southwest Germany, is the site of an ongoing forest and meadow occupation against the expansion of the adjacent lignite (brown coal) mine.
Continue reading Giant Coal Excavator Occupied
En esta nueva edición nos acercamos a la resistencia del bosque de Hambach (Köln, Alemania Occidental) para frenar el avance de una de las minas a cielo abierto más grandes de Europa.De mano de nuestro invitado recorreremos las diferentes estrategias llevadas a cabo, frente a esta amenaza en uno de los bosques más antiguos del territorio europeo, la represión a la que se enfrentan las activistas y cómo podemos apoyar desde el Estado español.
Continue reading Resistencia en el bosque de Hambach
First published in German on 11th February.
In several incidents during the last week, defendors of the lignite open cast mine damaged or destroyed material of the occupations. Among others, several climbing ropes were cut, the tires of a car owned by a person living in the occupation were stabbed and a tent in the new inhabitalbe barricade (“the Hedgehog”) was slit. Therefore, security-patrols through the occupied forest were actively convoyed by occupants to make sure they wouldn‘t cause any more damage. In the course of this the atmosphere repeatedly became quite tense and unfortunately some quite ridiculous trials of strength took place. Securities used phrases as “You all don’t have any balls!” and “You are pussies!” (directed to those occupants they interpreted as male).
Continue reading Activities against occupants of the Hambach Forest
Wir hoffen ihr seid alle gut ins neue Jahr gekommen und wünschen euch ein kämpferisches 2015. Wir starten mit einem etwas veränderten Sendungskonzept, denn wir haben uns fest vorgenommen immer zur Mitte des Monats eine neue Ausgabe zu produzieren. Das heißt vielleicht dass die Sendung auch mal etwas kürzer werden kann – heute ist sie nicht kürzer sondern länger, ganze 74 Minuten warten darauf von euch gehört zu werden.
Continue reading Frequenz A 5: Interview Verdeckte Ermittlerin Hamburg, Kampf im Hambacher Forst und mehr
Let’s go to the
Skillsharing Camp
in the forest of Hambach
April 6 – 12, 2015
Spring’s coming and the forest will wake from its slumber and the first greenery will be stretching towards the sun. The birds arrive and yet again forest of several kilometres of length and 200 metres of width has been destroyed.
Continue reading Skillsharing Camp April
As compas de A Guarda que están a argallar os preparativos da nova edición da Feira do Libro (a terceira) nesta vila mariñeira e da que xa nos adiantan que se celebrarán entre o venres 24 e o domingo 26 de abril, fixeronos chegar o cartaz das Xornadas Solidarias que van ter lugar nesta semana de Xaneiro no CS O Fuscalho con estas actividades:
Continue reading [A Guarda] Xoves 15 e Sábado 17 no CS O Fuscalho Xornadas Solidarias con a 3ª Feira do Libro Anarquista (abril 2015)
Basti è libero!
1 dicembre 2014
Continue reading ultime da Hambacher Forest (germany)
Viernes 12 a las 18:30 Charla en el CSO La Enredadera (C/ Anastasio Herrero n°9, Madrid) sobre la lucha que se está desarrollando en defensa del bosque de Hambach, Alemania, y contra la minería a cielo abierto en la región de Renania.
Continue reading Charla sobre la lucha por el bosque de Hambach en Alemania (Madrid)