Tag Archives: indigenous struggle

Solidarity With Mikmaq Warriors!


While the Mikmaq anti-fracking struggle on the east coast has subsided for the time being (“SWN Resources Canada is ending its exploration work, but will return in 2015″), the RCMPigs and other state institutions are doing their best punish the Warriors and others who have engaged in this proud resistance. Continued actions, letters, fundraisers and other solidarity efforts are important in the wake of repression.

 Keep informed: Warrior Publications has up to date articles and solidarity notes.

Donate: Click here to contribute to the Warrior Defense Fund.


Government officials shook over Straight’s “sabotage” article


Government officials are clearly shook over the recent article published by Vancouver’s Georgia Straight concerning potential sabotage against the Enbridge pipeline.   That article, reposted on Warrior Publications, was entitled “Activists plot how to block new pipelines in BC.”   Although there have been many calls made for civil disobedience, this is one of the first major public discussions about the potential for sabotage actions against pipeline construction. 
Continue reading Government officials shook over Straight’s “sabotage” article

Goldcorp Mining in Guatemala: Water Deprivation and Militarized Expansion


On January 14, 2014, Guatemalan President, and former general Otto Perez Molina, ordered troops to the Mayan municipality of Sipakapa, department of San Marcos, in western Guatemala. The armed forces arrived on behalf of Goldcorp Inc. that is trying to illegally expand its “Marlin” mine into Sipakapan territory.
Continue reading Goldcorp Mining in Guatemala: Water Deprivation and Militarized Expansion

Corte de Valdivia confirmó salida diaria para único Mapuche preso por incendio en Pisú Pisué


El defensor público Luis Soto informó, además, que tras conocerse el resultado de una pericia química clave para la estrategia de defensa, pidió el cierre de la investigación iniciada hace casi un año contra seis comuneros, dos de ellos Machi.
Continue reading Corte de Valdivia confirmó salida diaria para único Mapuche preso por incendio en Pisú Pisué

Después del genocidio, resurge el movimiento indígena en Guatemala


Para detener el avance de las empresas transnacionales en Guatemala se organizan las consultas en las comunidades, porque cuentan que así se combate al sufrimiento. A 30 años del genocidio, ocurrido en la década de los ochentas, los indígenas piensan que con las transnacionales “viene el K’ax (sufrimiento), el momento de llorar, de huir, de ser perseguidos”, explica en entrevista con Desinformémonos Domingo Hernández Ixcoy, líder maya y participante en la guerrilla durante el conflicto armado. Y están decididos a rechazarlo.

Para impedir que venga de nuevo el sufrimiento, los indígenas realizaron más de 70 consultas en los territorios donde pretende imponer proyectos de minería, de monocultivos o de hidroeléctricas.

Continue reading Después del genocidio, resurge el movimiento indígena en Guatemala