En este número: Cultura machista y victimización. Cada agresión no es simplemente un hecho aislado y privado, una a una son constitutivas de un problema social, y por lo tanto no hay soluciones aisladas y privadas
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INDOKUMENTADO is a section of the Onsite Infoshop devoted to research and publication, it seeks to explore anarchism as distinctly practiced in the archipelago through the multi-disciplinary approach of science, social sciences, folklore and actual practices. We are interested to trace this tradition of Philippine anarchism from the Pleistocene era to establish our basis for asserting non-hierarchical politics. We also want to learn from our prehistoric past, proto-history and documented history to regain our “own” self and identity. From the wisdom of our primitive social relationships we can conceptualize development that upholds equality and forge a society free from patriarchy and ecology friendly. Continue reading INDOKUMENTADO – Distro→
Mustan kanin kolo (The Black Bunny’s Burrow) is a volunteer-run anarchist infoshop and antiquarian bookshop in Helsinki, Finland. We have a wide variety of quality literature across genres, including some rare books. We specialise in anarchist and other political literature, working-class literature, comics, scifi, horror and fantasy. Continue reading Mustan kanin kolo (The Black Bunny’s Burrow)→
Přijďte se zasmát bujné fantazii policejních vyšetřovatelů. Každý a akaždý se může zapojit do čtení, Igor si připřavil ty největší špeky. Nezapomínáme na ty, kteří s námi být nemohou a proto na akci bude také prostor a materiál na výrobu dopisů pro Martina a Petra. Na místě veganská večeře a diskuze o celé kauze a policejních represích.
Izar Beltz Ateneoko ‘Zinekluba’ helburu batekin sortzen da; igande arratsaldeko basamortu lehorretan topaketarako gune kultural baten hazia ereitzea. Continue reading Zineklub→