Tag Archives: KK Abacus

Thoughts inspired by reading Peter Lamborn Wilson’s The Sacred Drift


by Feral Faun

My feelings when I read Peter Lamborn Wilson is that he wishes to live very much as I do, yet he looks to thc realm of spirituality as a means to achieve this. To me, it is evident that this is another false path to autonomous self-creation–precisely because it is a path…and one that has been tried so often its failure should be self-evident.
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Whither now?


Some thoughts on creating anarchy

By Feral Faun

“Any society that you build will have its limits. And outside the limits of any society the unruly and heroic tramps will wander with their wild and virgin thoughts…planning ever new and dreadful outbursts of rebellion.”
–Renzo Novatore

I feel that there is no possible society in which I would fit, that whatever society was like, I would be a rebel. At times, this fills me with the joy of the “unruly and heroic tramps” of whom Renzo Navatore speaks, but often it leaves me feeling quite lonely and isolated.
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Yo sueño a colores


 Wolfi Landstreicher


Blanco y negro ─ estos dos colores han definido mucho del paisaje social estadounidense, proyectando su sombra sobre los conflictos sociales. Si hoy en los documentos oficiales y en los estudios académicos la “diversidad” y el “multiculturalismo” son reconocidos, en el fondo, la dicotomía entre gente “blanca” y aquellos que no son blancos se mantiene como la definición predominante de la “diferencia”, debido a que es una muy útil herramienta en las manos de aquellos que nos gobiernan.
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