Comenzamos el otoño re-mirando hacia Rojava. De la mano de un compañero del colectivo Rojava Azadi nos adentramos en la lucha del movimiento por la liberación del pueblo kurdo y en la revolución social que se está realizando en la región de Rojava (parte del Kurdistán integrada en el Estado Sirio).<a
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Tag Archives: Kurd Struggle
Policemen pose together near Hacı Birlik’s dead body dragged on streets
New photos have emerged regarding the torture of Hacı Lokman Birlik after his execution in Şırnak, whose dead body was later dragged behind a police vehicle through the streets.
Photos released by Dicle News Agency (DIHA) show a group of special operation police posing near Birlik’s body outside the Şehit Mehmet İşler police station on Orman Street after it was dragged up to there from Özel Street in Dicle neighborhood.
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32 detained in operation against free press
Special operation police forces raided the building where offices of DİHA, Azadiye Welat, Aram Publications and KURDİ-DER are located in Amed. 32 people, including the workers of all the institutions raided in the armed operation, have been taken into custody on the grounds of “reasonable doubt”.
The detainees were taken to the ground floor of the building where they were subject to violence, while their identity cards and mobile phones were also seized. Those detained in the armed operation were later taken to Diyarbakır Police Headquarters.
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L’opération anti-PKK en Belgique et la mobilisation solidaire
Présentation du dossier
Jeudi 4 mars, 22 personnes sont interpellées dans une vaste offensive visant la communauté kurde à travers toute la Belgique. Après auditions, la police fédérale a délivré huit mandats d’arrêts sous la qualification d’appartenance à un groupe terroriste : le PKK qui a été placé sur la liste noire des ’organisations terroristes’ du gouvernement US et de l’UE.
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Turkey Drags Humanity Into The Gutter
¿Ha vuelto a usar armas químicas el ejército turco?
Existe la sospecha de que las Fuerzas Armadas Turcas (TSK) han utilizado armas química en los ataques aéreos más recientes que duraron dos días en las zonas rurales del distrito (Tunceli) Ovacık de Dersim.
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Kurdistan del nord: non si fermano le atrocità da parte delle forze armate turche
Le forze armate dello stato turco non sembrano conoscere limiti di ferocia nelle azioni di guerra condotte contro la popolazione curda. L’ennesima conferma arriva dal Kurdistan del Nord (sud-est della Turchia), dove da settimane la pretestuosa offensiva di Erdogan contro il PKK e l’autogoverno delle comunità sta colpendo duramente la popolazione civile.
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Turkish Police Continue Killing Kurds: 2 Dead, 7 Wounded in Silvan Featured
2nd October 2015
ANF – Amed
An ongoing siege and onslaught by Turkish military and police forces in the Silvan district of Amed (Diyarbakir) has left two people dead and seven others wounded since the imposition of a curfew early this morning. The wounded are being denied access to hospital by police forces.
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Resistance Against ISIS and Al-Nusra Continues in Rojava: 32 Gang Members Killed Featured
[Kurdistán Norte] La policía y el estado turco siguen asesinando a civiles kurdos en Silvan y Şırnak
2 muertos en Şırnak
1 Octubre 2015 – ANF – Şırnak
Francotiradores han asesinado a dos personas en el barrio de Yesilyurt en Şırnak hoy 1 de Octubre. Abdulhamit Inal y otro hombre llamado Erdal, cuyo apellido no se ha podido confirmar, fueron disparados y asesinados por la tarde por francotiradores y murieron más tarde en el hospital local.
Continue reading [Kurdistán Norte] La policía y el estado turco siguen asesinando a civiles kurdos en Silvan y Şırnak