Tag Archives: Martin Lux

Class War picket of the misogynist Ripper museum (video) London


Rich scumbag Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe duped people into believing he would be opening a museum celebrating the history of East End women. Instead, he unveiled a lurid spectacle about a serial killer and mutilator of sex workers, on the site of a historic battle in which women fought the British Union of Fascists alongside their male comrades.
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The published books of Martin Lux and the late Daniel Lux

Phoenix Press – ISBN 0-948984-35-x – £5.95

Thought anti-fascism was all about bearded sociology lecturers waving ‘Never Again’ banners? Not in London’s East End in the mid-to-late 1970s  when the National Front’s London election results put them in position of 4th largest political party, with a street presence – translated into racial attacks – to match the votes.
Continue reading The published books of Martin Lux and the late Daniel Lux