Tag Archives: Max Sartin
Michael Schirru
Max Sartin
M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome and taken to the police sub-station of Trevi. Here he was about to be searched for arms when, with flashing rapidity, he reached for his gun, fired at each of the three officers in the room and then at himself, in the head. Two of the officers were but slightly wounded, while the third and Schirru himself were found to be in a very serious condition. Schirru had to undergo an operation to be saved from immediate death.
Meanwhile, the police discovered that, in addition to the one in which he had been arrested, he was also renting another hotel room where two bombs loaded with powerful explosive were found and which, Schirru readily admitted, belonged to him. As soon as he was able to speak he declared that he had come to Rome purposely to kill Mussolini, and that the bombs were meant for this use. When his sudden arrest came to thwart his plan and deprive him of the liberty to execute it, he resolved to exact as great as possible a price for his life and liberty then ending his own life together with that of the police tools of Mussolini who were arresting him.
La guerra che viene
Max Sartin
Michael Schirru
Max Sartin
M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome and taken to the police sub-station of Trevi. Here he was about to be searched for arms when, with flashing rapidity, he reached for his gun, fired at each of the three officers in the room and then at himself, in the head. Two of the officers were but slightly wounded, while the third and Schirru himself were found to be in a very serious condition. Schirru had to undergo an operation to be saved from immediate death.
A proposito di soviet ed anarchia
Vecchio di ottant’anni, questo scambio di vedute fra Camillo Berneri, all’epoca già noto “revisionista” anarchico, e Max Sartin, redattore dell’intransigente L’Adunata dei Refrattari, ha mantenuto intatta tutta la sua attualità. I riferimenti storici possono anche invecchiare, il significato di quanto viene espresso no. Da una parte, l’invito a sporcarsi le mani senza badare alle possibili contraddizioni: la politica, prima di tutto. Dall’altra, la scelta di battersi senza scendere a compromessi di alcun genere: l’etica, innanzitutto. Alle soglie del terzo millennio, pur immersi in un frastuono che fa perdere i sensi, non siamo poi molto lontani.
Continue reading A proposito di soviet ed anarchia
Michael Schirru
Max Sartin (1933)
M. Schirru was arrested on February 3rd, 1931 in a hotel room in Rome and taken to the police sub-station of Trevi. Here he was about to be searched for arms when, with flashing rapidity, he reached for his gun, fired at each of the three officers in the room and then at himself, in the head. Two of the officers were but slightly wounded, while the third and Schirru himself were found to be in a very serious condition. Schirru had to undergo an operation to be saved from immediate death.
Continue reading Michael Schirru