Con questo post diamo avvio alla categoria del blog “La terra trama..”, in cui si parlerà di nocività e devastazioni ambientali, dei territori dove il Dominio vuole allungare i propri tentacoli mortiferi e delle lotte portate avanti da chi si oppone a questo modo di concepire l’esistente che non rispetta ma sfrutta a proprio uso e consumo (e profitto) la vita, le risorse e l’armonia degli esseri viventi, vegetali ed animali, umani e non.
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Tag Archives: multinationals
PHOTO REPORT: Amazon Indian Warriors Beat and Strip Illegal Loggers in Battle for Jungle’s Future
A group of warriors from Brazil’s indigenous Ka’apor tribe tracked down illegal loggers in the Amazon, tied them up, stripped them and beat them with sticks.
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“Green”, un film sui profondi danni causati dalla deforestazione in Indonesia
“Green” è un film senza parole, se non quelle per noi incomprensibili proferite dalle voci degli animali che vivono nella foresta pluviale in Indonesia, e che hanno la sfortuna di essere vittime dell’avidità umana su cose ed esseri viventi.
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Guatemala: Mobilizing Against “Monsanto Law”
The Plant Varieties Protection Bill passed in the night by the Guatemalan Congress in June during the World Cup distractions is facing resistance from farming communities and Indigenous Peoples from the Central American country, who warn about the risks of the regulation in terms of biodiversity and food sovereignty.
The bill–also known as the “Monsanto Law” because of the GM seed and agrotoxic multinational company’s involvement in its promotion in several Latin American countries–was appealed before the Guatemalan Constitutional Court, while different mobilizations were planned both in the capital of the country and in other departments on Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2014.
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BFC Road Show West Coast Schedule 2014
Buffalo Field Campaign’s Campaign Coordinator Mike Mease will be hitting the road in September and October for a road show to Washington, Oregon, and California to share music, stories, video, and activism inspired by the Yellowstone bison. He’ll be joined by musicians Goodshield and Mignon Geli for what promise to be a handful of very special events. Please join BFC if you live in or near the following towns. Email Mike for more details or to help promote these events.
Tahltan Call for Blockade of Imperial Metals Mine in Wake of Mt. Polley Disaster
A group of Tahltan First Nation elders is adding to the opposition of mining projects in British Columbia following the Mount Polley tailings-dam failure calling for a blockade today of the Red Chris mine project near Iskut in the far northwest.
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En la cárcel Fernando Bárcenas, acusado de quemar el arbol de navidad de la multinazional coca-cola.
Ivonne Carmona Rosete del juzgado cuadragésimo tercero penal, ratificó el auto formal de prisión a Fernando Bárcenas Castillo, detenido el pasado 13 de diciembre, como presuntamente responsable de los delitos de ataques a la paz pública y asociación delictuosa, después de la quema del árbol de navidad de la empresa Coca-Cola en la movilización contra el aumento del metro de la ciudad de México.
Continue reading En la cárcel Fernando Bárcenas, acusado de quemar el arbol de navidad de la multinazional coca-cola.
‘Violent Attacks’ Caused Uncontacted Indians to Emerge
Highly vulnerable uncontacted Indians who recently emerged in the Brazil-Peru border region have said that they were fleeing violent attacks in Peru.
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Chronology of Resitance to the Cement Factory in Rembang 15th -18th June 2014.
On Sunday people from Tegal Dowo and Timbrangan communities in Gunem sub-district that are involved in the Network of Communities Concerned for the Kendeng Mountains in Rembang (JMPPK Rembang), received information that there would be an event to place the first stone for a new Semen Indonesia (Indonesia Cement) factory near their villages. From what they heard, this would take place on Monday 16th June. After receiving this news, local people made plans to go to the planned factory site the next day.
Continue reading Chronology of Resitance to the Cement Factory in Rembang 15th -18th June 2014.
Dopo l’Expo 2015 ora il Mose: ecco il bancomat dei poteri e il sistema tav
Dopo gli arresti illustri che hanno riguardato esponenti del Pd per le tangenti relative all’Expo 2015, ora tocca ad un’altra grande (e assurda) opera, cioè il Mose di Venezia.
Questa volta è toccato al sindaco Pd Giorgio Orsoni, all’assessore regionale alle Infrastrutture di Forza Italia Renato Chisso, ed altre 33 persone tra cui l’ex generale delle Fiamme Gialle Spaziante, e l’ex governatore e ministro Giancarlo Galan, per la quale la procura ha chiesto l’arresto.
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