Tag Archives: nl

Greenhouse Infoshop benefit (Amsterdam)


Monday June 15th 2015, Greenhouse Infoshop Project (Philippines) benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm

‘Dear Friends, after almost 8 years of doing food not bombs (mobile soup kitchen), films screenings, free workshops and community grassroots organizing, the Greenhouse Infoshop Project is under threat of eviction due to financial crisis for the past months. Greenhouse Infoshop Project is renting a space for 2,000 pesos monthly due to our small income generated, we are in trouble paying the rental of the space this past month. But we cannot afford to stop what we have started.
Continue reading Greenhouse Infoshop benefit (Amsterdam)

#61: Los provos holandeses (Radio QK)


Junto a Richard Kempton y su Provo. La revuelta anarquista de Ámsterdam (Enclave de Libros, Madrid, 2015) y algún otro texto, nos acercamos a las luces y a las sombras de un movimiento que entre 1965 y 1967 convirtió a Ámsterdam en la capital mundial de la contracultura y, desde luego, en uno de los puntos calientes del movimiento general de contestación que sacudió el globo en los años sesenta y setenta.



10 years Huize Spoorloos – Emmen (NL):


It all started 10 years ago.
The first building was squatted in 2005 by ‘squatgroup Emmen’; an industrial building at the railway platform.
Various initiatives arose spontaneously, amongst others the giveaway store, and an open jam-session on Saturday evenings.
After 1.5 years we had to move away from the railway tracks and ‘moved around’ until in 2007 we came to the ING bank building where we still are now.
Nowadays we have our own foodbank 3 times a week, have volunteersday on Wednesday, when we also organize a soup kitchen (vegan food for €1) and a movienight.
On Thursday and Saturday the giveaway store is opened, and we have either an open jam-session (6i), or bands playing on Saturday evenings.
Continue reading 10 years Huize Spoorloos – Emmen (NL):

More Notes of Solidarity For Political Prisoners (Human and Non-Human)

We are Sprank, a busking political folk band from the Netherlands. We made a solidarity video for J11 to inspire other people to join in this annual event.

This song was written and dedicated for Marius last year and we think its important to extend our expressions by making this video. Besides making music we inform our audience about various social topics, spread propaganda or take political prisoner writing desks to our shows. Besides all this people do irregualar writing evenings,film screenings,translations and have other creative occupations 😉

In Solidarity,



Olanda | UK | Repressione – Aggiornamenti sul caso Berchem 4


Mercoledi’ 13 maggio si terrà il processo di appello alle 4 persone accusate di aver liberato 5,000 visoni nella cittadina olandese di Barchem nell’ottobre del 2009. La sentenza in primo grado si era conclusa con 4 condanne a lavori ‘socialmente utili’ per un totale complessivo di circa 900 ore, oltre ai mesi di carcere già scontati ed a tre anni di libertà’ condizionata.
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Pinksterllanddagen 2015


De Pinksterlanddagen is een driedaagse bijeenkomst die in 2015 van 22 tot en met 25 mei plaatsvindt voor anarchisten en iedereen die zich door het anarchisme laat inspireren. De dagen zijn een staalkaart van de anarchistische beweging in Nederland en daarbuiten. Belangrijke onderwerpen zijn antimilitarisme, arbeidsverhoudingen, dierenrechten, eigen media, opbouwen van de beweging en de geschiedenis van het anarchisme.


8/9/10 mei 215: Alerta Alerta Festival – Anti-Fascistisch benefiet. (aMSTERDAM)


Van vrijdag 8 t/m zondag 10 mei 2015 zal in de OCCII in Amsterdam het Alerta Alerta Festival plaatsvinden. Het festival wordt georganiseerd door Autonomia Promotions en is een benefiet voor de Anti-Fascistische strijd. Het festival heeft een driedaags programma vol met muziek, workshops, lezingen, films, kunst en eten. Het festival wil verschillende culturen en muziekstijlen samenbrengen onder één anti-fascistisch front.
Continue reading 8/9/10 mei 215: Alerta Alerta Festival – Anti-Fascistisch benefiet. (aMSTERDAM)