Parisians woke up this morning, and through them the whole world, with a macabre scent of gunpowder in their nostrils. Some religious fanatics, they’re not the first and they won’t be the last, opened fire during the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo’s weekly meeting. Continue reading I’m Not Charlie→
Si la nouvelle loi sur les prisons de type C est une nouvelle offensive dégueulasse de ce monde carcéral contre l’irréductible esprit de révolte qu’aucune loi ni répression ne pourra jamais étouffer, elle n’est pas plus que cela. Continue reading Recueil sur la lutte contre les prisons de type C en Grèce→
Adesso – Foglio di critica sociale – Rovereto, 14 novembre 2008 – numero 25
Dopo due anni di assenza, eccoci con un nuovo numero di Adesso. Sentiamo il bisogno di tornare a riflettere, con questo foglio di critica sociale, su alcune questioni generali. L’occasione ci è fornita dal movimento studentesco contro la legge Gelmini, movimento a cui stiamo dando il nostro piccolo contributo critico. Continue reading Lettera aperta agli studenti in lotta (it/fr) 2005→
Here is a leaflet from the anarchist aperiodical publication “Non Fides”, translated
from the french. It was distributed in french cities and in front of the Vincennes
retention center which was burnt down after the revolt of its prisoners.
A retention center (Centre de Rétention Administrative or CRA in french) is a prison Continue reading Why we want the destruction of retention centers [en/it/fr/ru]→
Here is a leaflet from the anarchist aperiodical publication “Non Fides”, translated from the french. It was distributed in french cities and in front of the Vincennes retention center which was burnt down after the revolt of its prisoners. A retention center (Centre de Rétention Administrative or CRA in french) is a prison for illegal immigrants, people imprisoned for up to 80 days before their expulsion from the country. There have been many revolts over the past years both inside and outside these prisons. But there has also been a lot of repression for some anarchist comrades who are still in prison, some of them accused of terrorism. More information about these cases in english here. Continue reading Why we want the destruction of retention centers (en/fr/it) 2009→
Here is a leaflet from the anarchist aperiodical publication “Non Fides”, translated from the french. It was distributed in french cities and in front of the Vincennes retention center which was burnt down after the revolt of its prisoners.
A retention center (Centre de Rétention Administrative or CRA in french) is a prison for illegal immigrants, people imprisoned for up to 80 days before their expulsion from the country. There have been many revolts over the past years both inside and outside these prisons. But there has also been a lot of repression for some anarchist comrades who are still in prison, some of them accused of terrorism. More information about these cases in english here:
Vi sono sempre più indesiderabili al mondo. Degli uomini e delle donne per i quali questa società non ha previsto che un ruolo, quello di crepare. La società non ci desidera che così: morti per il mondo o per noi stessi. Continue reading Ai refrAttAri AllA pAcificAzione sociAle (2008) it/fr→
Nous sommes quelques-uns de ces incontrôlés dont les médias vous rabattent les oreilles depuis quelques jours. Nous avons participé aux affrontements de la semaine passée autour de Jussieu. Les journalistes vous ont dit la vérité. Nous sommes effectivement incontrôlés, bien plus qu’ils ne veulent le dire. Nous n’admettons plus que des manipulateurs parlent et décident à notre place. Nul idéologue n’arrive à canaliser notre colère. C’est cela qui nous rend haïssables aux yeux de tous les défenseurs de cette société. Continue reading L’Equipée Sauvage→