Tag Archives: prisoners

‘For a single hour of furious anarchy’ (en/es)


Nicola Gai

rom materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety:

The lightning which four years ago lit up the night of the Chilean capitol and which kept Mauri from carrying out his action made evident to all of us the beauty and strength there is in the struggle for anarchy. Nothing can give us greater joy and satisfaction than lighting the fuse of the device that should strike the place where they train the executioners who will go on to torture our imprisoned brothers and sisters.
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Temuco. Prisionero político mapuche trasladado de urgencia al Hospital + Comunicado sobre situación de salud del prisionero político mapuche + Comunicado de José Mariano desde la carcel


“ No le tengo miedo a la cárcel, pero si a morir desangrado en este penal”.-José Mariano Llanca Tori.
Continue reading Temuco. Prisionero político mapuche trasladado de urgencia al Hospital + Comunicado sobre situación de salud del prisionero político mapuche + Comunicado de José Mariano desde la carcel

‘The figures don’t add up?’ – Leaflet in solidarity with anarchist comrades Alfredo and Nicola (Italy) (en/it/gr)


Two years have passed since the latest incident in a nuclear power plant, that of Fukushima: a never established and incalculable number of death, wounded and people contaminated by radioactivity, damages of huge proportions that the Japanese techno-scientific community, government and press awkwardly try to conceal, and last but not least the tragic farce of the Olympic Games in Japan, with which propaganda is glorifying a devastated, deadly and broken territory.

Continue reading ‘The figures don’t add up?’ – Leaflet in solidarity with anarchist comrades Alfredo and Nicola (Italy) (en/it/gr)

Never Again Unarmed


Haris Hatzimichelakis

o begin with, I must make it clear that I consider this trial to be yet another theater of war, and the present political statement — because this is a political statement and not an apologia — is yet another act of enmity stemming from the camp of revolutionary forces. I have already taken responsibility for membership in the Fire Cells Conspiracy Revolutionary Organization. Therefore, as a proud member of the Fire Cells Conspiracy, but also as a revolutionary and an anarchist, I view the occasion for my “apologia” as a forum in which to spread revolutionary discourse and explain my political positions regarding revolutionary war.
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Mientras algunos se reúnen a hablar de Anarkía, Otros korren por salvar sus vidas. Breve relato ficcionado desde Carcel de Maxima Seguridad. (2012)


Marcelo Villarroel

Cierro los ojos y veo, komo si fuera ayer, todo aquello ke kon los ojos abiertos no puedo. La iluminada oskuridad salvaje de la montaña, sus rekovecos, el cielo y una konstelación de estrellas guiando mis pasos, el ascenso por kebradas, boskes y ríos, recibiendo el tranko urbano y klandestino de mi libre kaminar.
Continue reading Mientras algunos se reúnen a hablar de Anarkía, Otros korren por salvar sus vidas. Breve relato ficcionado desde Carcel de Maxima Seguridad. (2012)

A letter from anarchist Nikos Maziotis about his trial on appeal court (2001)


The appeal court in the 8th January 2001, where I’m on trial again for the bombing attempt against the ministry of Development -an action which I made to express solidarity with the residents of Strymonikos’ villages, who were fighting against the installation of a gold industry by the multinational TVX GOLD- became a military court with summary proceedings similar to those of the State Security Court in Turkey.
Continue reading A letter from anarchist Nikos Maziotis about his trial on appeal court (2001)

Ιταλικές φυλακές: Συνεισφορά του Νικόλα Γκάι στο οικοαναρχικό περιοδικό «Terra Selvaggia»


Πηγή: Contra Info


Έχουμε εμπεδώσει για τα καλά το γεγονός ότι ζούμε σ’ έναν κόσμο σκατένιο όπου κράτος και Κεφάλαιο, ουσιαστικά ανεμπόδιστα, μας επιβάλλουν κάθε λογής τερατουργήματα. Είναι επίσης προφανές ότι μονάχα μια μικροσκοπική μειονότητα του πληθυσμού επιχειρεί να αντισταθεί, με λιγότερο ή περισσότερο συνειδητό τρόπο, στην καταστολή των εκάστοτε χώρων αυτονομίας και ελευθερίας που κάνουν τη ζωή ν’ αξίζει τον κόπο να τη ζει κανείς. Εμείς, οι αναρχικοί, που ’μαστε κομμάτι αυτής της μικρής μειοψηφίας, γνωρίζουμε πόσο άμεση είναι η αναγκαιότητα της καταστροφής όσων μας καταπιέζουν: γιατί λοιπόν δεν είμαστε πιο αποφασιστικοί και διεισδυτικοί;
Continue reading Ιταλικές φυλακές: Συνεισφορά του Νικόλα Γκάι στο οικοαναρχικό περιοδικό «Terra Selvaggia»