Tag Archives: prisons

EL NACIMIENTO DEL RÉGIMEN FIES (Ficheros de Internos de Especial Seguimiento)


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El FIES constituye dentro del estado español una de las más graves vulneraciones de los derechos humanos en los últimos años, al ser un régimen especial que no se halla regulado ni si quiera en su propia ley, una especie de carta blanca a los carceleros para reprimir a su antojo a una serie de presos organizados frente a las instituciones penitenciarias.
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Papua Prison Island


An expression of people’s desire for freedom, cries of “Papua Merdeka” continue to ring out through the cities, mountains and forests of West Papua. The struggle is against fifty years of Indonesian rule, which throughout the last half-century has violently tried to subdue Papua, in its attempts to create a unified nation from the 17,000 islands that once made up the Dutch Empire.

Freedom as expressed by the word ‘merdeka’ is primarily a call for political independence, although the word is imbued with the clear hope that a new national sovereignty would also bring a wider liberation. Even when used outside the context of nations, ‘merdeka’ carries a sense of autonomy or self-reliance; from the same Sanskrit root Indonesian also inherited the word mahardika, meaning wisdom or nobility.
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Paco Ortíz, a Definition of Struggle (2011) en/es


From Tokata (September 1, 2011):

Note from TIOJ: Our resistance is peopled with countless heroes who fight and die in obscurity. One of the purposes of This Is Our Job is to eradicate that obscurity by bringing their stories and voices to light. One such hero is Paco Ortíz.

Born in Antequera, but cosmopolitan, thrown into the world. His trade: repo man of surplus value, bank robber feared by the Civil Guard and other zombie hordes. To stop him, they once shot 114 bullets into the vehicle he was traveling in. By sheer luck, only one of the two people inside was injured. Paco, unscathed, heard the Civil Guard pricks coming, heard them ask: “And if we finish them off?” As well as a fighter, a strategist. The two successive Puerto I rebellions were coordinated by him and another outstanding Paco (nom de guerre: B——).
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Entfesselt (germany)

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Das Entfesselt ist ein dreimonatlich erscheinendes Infoblatt der Anarchist Black Cross Gruppen ABC Berlin und ABC Orkan. Wir wollen damit eine Kommunikation zwischen „drinnen“ und „draußen“ ermöglichen, indem wir Texte und Briefe von Gefangenen, Artikel über Gefangenenkämpfe und solidarische Aktionen und verschiedenes mehr abdrucken. Außerdem geht es uns darum den Antiknastgedanken zu verbreiten, verknüpft mit einer anarchistischen Perspektive, denn die Abschaffung von Knästen und Zwangsanstalten kann nur ein Teil auf dem Weg zur Befreiung von Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung darstellen.
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