Tag Archives: Provocazione

Third World – the Gulag of Capital (Pierleone Porcu)


THE ECONOMIC and social situation in the countries of the Third World has in no way changed from the beginning of the eighties, in fact it has regressed frighteningly, accentuating the inequality between rich and poor countries more and more. Underdeveloped countries exist where the income, consumerism and investment have gone back to the level of the seventies, and others, such as the poorest African countries, have even sunk back to the level of the sixties.
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The Moral Split – La Frattura Morale (1988) en/it


A.M. Bonanno

It is not enough for an action simply to be considered ‘right’ in order for it to be carried out. Other elements, such as the underlying moral judgement, are involved, which have nothing to do with the validity of the action. This becomes obvious when you see the difficulty many comrades have in carrying out actions that in themselves are in no way exceptional.
A moral obstacle appears, leading to a real ethical ‘split’ with unpredictable consequences. For example, we have been pointing out the uselessness of huge peaceful demonstrations for some time now. Instead we propose mass demonstrations that are organised insurrectionally, supported by small actions against the capitalist structures that are responsible for the present situation of exploitation and genocide all over the world.
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What better solidarity can a comrade who finds himself in prison receive than that of learning first from the media, then from the papers of the movement, that the struggle against injustice and exploitation is attacking in first person.
For a comrade who finds himself in prison, all actions such as this, or of another kind but which however support an irreducibility against power, are the best attestations of active solidarity, and also against all those who with paternalism and gradualism theorise and put into practice an illusory counterposition that maintains oppression intact.

The tyranny of weakness


We came up against weakness everywhere today. We are weak, or act as though we are for fear of seeming different.
It is no longer fashionable to be self-assured or to have knowledge of oneself or others or things. It seems old fashioned, almost bad taste. We no longer make any effort to do things well, and by that I mean the things we have chosen to do, that we believe we would do at any cost. Against logic itself, we do them badly, superficially, without paying any attention to detail. We do not exactly boast about this weakness of course, but use it as a kind of screen to hide behind.
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La Frattura Morale


Alfredo Maria Bonanno

Che un’azione sia considerata “giusta” non è elemento sufficiente di giudizio perché venga posta in atto, eseguita. Perché ciò avvenga occorrono altri elementi, alcuni dei quali, come la considerazione morale di fondo, sono del tutto estranei alla obiettiva fondatezza e “giustezza” dell’azione stessa.

Ciò è visibile nelle difficoltà che tutti i compagni riscontrano nel momento in cui si trovano ad intraprendere azioni che a lume della sola luce logica sembrano ineccepibili.
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Μη-ειδήσεις σχετικά με τα ναρκωτικά


Υπάρχουν τουλάχιστον δύο τρόποι να δημιουργήσει κανείς μουσική. Ο αρνητικός και ο θετικός τρόπος. Μπορούμε να στριγκλίζουμε όσο θέλουμε στις χορδές ενός βιολιού και να εξακολουθούμε να μην πετυχαίνουμε να δημιουργήσουμε μουσική. Αλλά, ένα ολόκληρο χαρτοφυλάκιο βαθμολογιών μεγάλων συνθετών δεν κάνει κάποιον μουσικό. Προκύπτει ότι θα πρέπει κανείς να μη δίνει τόσο μεγάλη προσοχή στο πώς λέγονται τα πράγματα, όσο στο τι λέγεται.

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Alfredo Maria Bonanno


Nell’antimilitarismo è implicito il “rifiuto” delle armi. Ma si tratta di un concetto che è dato per scontato e che non è stato quasi mai approfondito.
L’arma in quanto oggetto preciso è certamente lo strumento fondamentale su cui si fonda non solo la struttura militare in quanto organizzazione (la quale non avrebbe senso se fosse didarmata), ma anche la mentalità militare (la quale dall’arma deriva una serie di deformazioni autoritarie).
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Inattualità sulla droga


Alfredo M. Bonanno

Ci sono almeno due modi di fare letteratura. Quello negativo e quello positivo. Si può stridere fin che si vuole sulle corde del proprio violino, senza con ciò riuscire a fare passare per musica quello che ne viene fuori. Ma anche un ottimo rifinitore manuale degli spartiti dei grandi maestri potrebbe non essere un vero e proprio musicista, e di regola è proprio così. Ne deriva che non bisogna tanto fare attenzione a come le cose si dicono, quanto a quello che si dice.
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Inactualités sur les drogues


Alfredo M. Bonanno


Il y a au moins deux façons de faire de la musique. La façon négative et la façon positive. Nous pouvons faire hurler tant que nous le voulons les cordes d’un violon sans pour autant réussir à faire de la musique. Les carnets d’influences entièrement remplis de grands compositeurs ne font pas toujours les grands musiciens. Il s’ensuit qu’il ne faudrait pas prêter autant d’attention à la façon dont les choses sont dites, qu’à ce qui est dit.
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