Tag Archives: Ret Marut



By B.Traven (21 December 1921)

Think! But you can’t think, because you need statutes, because you have
administrators to elect, because you have ministers to enthrone, because you can’t
live without government, because you can’t live without a boss.
You yield your voices only to lose them, and when you yourselves want to use them,
you don’t have them anymore, you miss them because you gave them up.
Continue reading Contrast

FRATELLO, AIUTATI! AGISCI! SIA VOLONTA’! SIA AZIONE! Lasciate d’un cuore placato e spensierato crollare la vita economica


er B.Traven (21 dicembre 1921)

Pensate ! Ma non potete pensare, perché vi occorono degli statuti, perché
avete degli amministratori da eleggere, perché avete dei ministri da
intronizzare, perché non potete vivere senza governo, perché non potete
vivere senza capo.
Continue reading FRATELLO, AIUTATI! AGISCI! SIA VOLONTA’! SIA AZIONE! Lasciate d’un cuore placato e spensierato crollare la vita economica

Contrast (en/it/fr/de)


By B.Traven (21 December 1921)
Think! But you can’t think, because you need statutes, because you have
administrators to elect, because you have ministers to enthrone, because you can’t
live without government, because you can’t live without a boss.
You yield your voices only to lose them, and when you yourselves want to use them,
you don’t have them anymore, you miss them because you gave them up.
Continue reading Contrast (en/it/fr/de)