Tag Archives: Sean Swain

Support Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain- Flood the ODRC Records Office


In the midst of the Army of the 12 Monkeys persecution, which got Sean sent to level 4B at Ohio State Penitentiary, Ohio’s supermax facility, there were a series of disciplinary hearings before the Rules Infraction Board (RIB). Sean says these hearings were completely absurd, blatantly unjust, and terribly embarrassing to the prison authorities. I don’t know about you, but I’d love to hear Sean run debate circles around the bumbling (and sometimes intoxicated) ManCI investigators and officials.
Continue reading Support Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain- Flood the ODRC Records Office

Update on Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain and Monkey #9.


From SeanSwain.org

SECURITY REVIEW: Few weeks ago we asked folks to call Sean’s case manager Scott Nowak and ask him to give Sean a security level reduction. It worked! Nowak has recommended Sean be transferred to 4AT pending approval of Unit Management Chief Ms McDonnough.

Now we need folks to keep pressuring up the bureaucracy by calling McDonnough at (330) 743-0700 ext. 2164. Please ask her to approve the recommendation. Thank you.
Continue reading Update on Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain and Monkey #9.

Retaliation Against Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain, because He Got Himself a Lawyer.


It has become clear that the ODRC is messing with Sean’s ability to communicate. This is very likely a retaliatory attempt to obstruct his ability to sue their pantspants off. Below find a message from him about the phone restriction. Supporters have been calling since Sunday about the Jpay email restriction. It seems both originated with Cheif Inspector Gary Croft.
Continue reading Retaliation Against Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain, because He Got Himself a Lawyer.

Ben Turk on the silencing of Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner in Ohio


13-04-2014 The Final Straw Website


On April 6th of 2014, anarchist prisoner Sean Swain, who’s been kind enough to allow us to present his audio commentaries (available at http://www.seanswain.org) had his access to phone calls and email shut down by JPay corporation (which facilitates financial transactions between prisoners and their families and other corporations while skimming profit and also saving and mining the private user data) alongside of Global Tel* Link. This comes just after Sean was able to engage a new lawyer, Richard Kerger, who’s done work on the Lucasville Uprising death row prisoners.
This episode, we speak to Ben Turk, a supporter of Sean’s about new updates in Sean’s case, his silencing and how folks can help pressure the state to give Sean back his access to phones and email.
Continue reading Ben Turk on the silencing of Sean Swain, anarchist prisoner in Ohio