Tag Archives: Tsakalos Gerasimos

Greece: Relatives of CCF imprisoned members held hostage


According to latest updates (June 2015), Evi Statiri – the life companion of anarchist prisoner Gerasimos Tsakalos – has been denied release from prison three times already by the special appellate judge Eftichis Nikopoulos (the same bastard who has repeatedly rejected applications for educational leave in the case of anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos).
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Φασιστική απόρριψη της αίτησης αποφυλάκισης των συγγενών της ΣΠΦ από τον ειδικό εφέτη ανακριτή Ευτύχιο Νικόπουλο..


Στις 2 Ιουνίου και μετά από ένα υπερβολικά μεγάλο διάστημα από τη λήξη της απεργίας πείνας των μελών της ΣΠΦ, εξετάστηκε τελικά η αίτηση αποφυλάκισης της Εύης Στατήρη συζύγου του Γεράσιμου Τσάκαλου μέλους της ΣΠΦ. Αρμόδιος να αποφασίσει ήταν ο ειδικός εφέτης ανακριτής Ευτύχιος Νικόπουλος που έχει αναλάβει με αποκλειστικότητα όλες τις υποθέσεις «τρομοκρατίας».Είναι αυτός που συμπτωματικά λίγες μέρες πριν απέρριψε και το δίκαιο αίτημα του Ν. Ρωμανού για εκπαιδευτικές άδειες, παρ’ ότι υπάρχει σχετική τροπολογία γι’ αυτό.
Continue reading Φασιστική απόρριψη της αίτησης αποφυλάκισης των συγγενών της ΣΠΦ από τον ειδικό εφέτη ανακριτή Ευτύχιο Νικόπουλο..

Llamado internacional de la CCF/Federación Anarquista Informal (2011) es/gr


A lxs anarquistas presxs:

La cárcel es el país de prisionerxs. Desde aquí dentro queremos mandar nuestros saludos a lxs compañerxs encarceladxs en todo el mundo y poner en marcha una propuesta.
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Prisiones de Koridallos: Carta de Evi Statiri, esposa de Gerasimos Tsakalos


Hace 33 días que estoy en prisión sin poder entender “porqué”. La única prueba de mi “culpabilidad” es mi relación personal con Gerasimos Tsakalos. Aún así, bastó para encontrarme en prisión, como supuesto miembro de “organización terrorista”, compartiendo celda con la madre de Gerasimos. Aunque el fiscal propuso al consejo judicial que se aceptara mi solicitud de excarcelación, la respuesta fue negativa, sin que nadie me explicara “porqué”. ¿Es un crimen mantenerte junto a los tuyos? ¿Son un crimen las relaciones personales-familiares? 33 días en la cárcel y todavía no he obtenido respuesta. Pero yo creía, y sigo creyendo, que a pesar del castigo físico y psicológico de mi injusta prisión preventiva, el hecho de mantener tu humanidad y apoyar a tus seres queridos está por encima y más allá de ideologías y no se puede criminalizar.
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Greece: Update on the hunger strike of the comrades of CCF (en/it)


Today in the morning around 6 a.m., the hunger striker Mihalis Nikolopoulos almost suffered a heart attack as his heart rate was 25 beats per minute and his blood pressure 8/2,5. One and a half dose of injectable atropine was administered to him as a single dose wasn’t enough. His state of health is currently somewhat more stable (40beats per minute) but the risk of a cardiac arrest is imminent and can happen anytime.
Continue reading Greece: Update on the hunger strike of the comrades of CCF (en/it)

Greece: Text written by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about the squating of the central building of the Nation Usiversity in Athens


On 30/3, anarchists squat the Deanship of the University (National Kapodistrian University of Athens) and an open hearth of counter-information about the hunger strike we, political prisoners, are on (right now, 11 of the hunger strikers are hospitalized in critical condition, guarded in hospitals).
Continue reading Greece: Text written by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about the squating of the central building of the Nation Usiversity in Athens

Greece: Update on comrades – hunger strikers Giorgos Polydoros and Gerasimos Tsakalos


Gerasimos Tsakalos suffers from very strong headaches almost permanently on a daily basis as a result of  themulti-day hunger strike. Giorgos Polydoros has α very low pulse (36-40 beats per minute) in combination with low pressure (8/4) which means an immediate risk for a heart attack. Both have already problems with their liverand bile.

The update was sent to us by comrades in solidarity with the hunger strikers


Greece: Text written by the comrades – hunger strikers Giorgos Polydoros and Gerasimos Tsakalos from Tzanio hospital



We continue the hunger strike for the 27th day and now hospitalized in Tzanio hospital. Our health may be in a “worrying point” as doctors say, but this does not affect us at all. Let us make ourselves clear once again.
Continue reading Greece: Text written by the comrades – hunger strikers Giorgos Polydoros and Gerasimos Tsakalos from Tzanio hospital

Aggiornamenti dalla Grecia




L’anarchico  Fivos Charisis(ndt:  della Rete dei prigionieri in lotta,in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo per  l’abolizione dell’articolo 187  e dell’articolo 187A , della legge sul travisamento, della legge sulle prigioni di tipo C, del rilascio del membro della 17 Novembre Savvas Xiros per ragioni di salute oltre ad altre richieste)in sciopero della fame dal 2 marzo,è stato trasferito all’ospedale  Tzanio al Pireo.Il suo stato di salute risulta seriamente deteriorato,ha perso circa il 13%del peso corporeo, ed ha varie complicazioni dovute allo sciopero della fame ed alla sua storia clinica di asma bronchiale.
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