will be on
Saturday 19th October
From 10am to 7pm.
A.M. Bonanno
Illness, i.e.a faulty functioning of the organism, is not peculiar to man. Animals also get ill, and even things can in their own way present defects in functioning. The conception of illness as abnormality of functioning is the classic one that has been developed by medical science, and has been changed by the development of science up until the begining of this century.
Continue reading ILLNESS AND CAPITAL
tratto da ParoleArmate
Presentiamo di seguito la nostra traduzione di quello che reputiamo un ulteriore contributo contro la repressione interna. Questo testo, scritto da una compagna anarchica inglese in risposta a quello dell’Anarchist Federation (omologa della Federazione Anarchica Italiana), rappresenta un’interessante critica delle contraddizioni interne ad una concezione “civile” dell’anarchia e di molto anarchismo contemporaneo. La lunga riflessione che presentiamo può tranquillamente rappresentare una risposta anche alle penose posizioni di federazioni e anarchici al di qua della Manica.
Continue reading Riflessioni scandalose – alcune note sull’anarchismo civile (2012) it/en
Pioggia e Fuoco
Questo testo è stato scritto durante l’incremento della guerra sociale europea, e i nostri tentativi di posizionarci all’interno del suo contesto, pur dentro un crescente fascismo, complicità da gran parte della società e un “movimento” anticapitalista diviso e spezzettato.
Continue reading Pioggia e Fuoco – riflessioni della federazione anarchica informale britannica sulla guerra sociale europea (2011) it/en
Gustavo Rodriguez
“Las explosiones insurreccionales suelen tener pocas consideraciones para con los revolucionarios, acontecen como sucesos imprescindibles y desbaratan repentinamente, casi sin quererlo, como por arte de magia, urdidas estrategias en la contemplación de lo cotidiano.”
Al final de la calle
Continue reading Anarchy in The U. K: La explosión de la rabia
[N.d.T. Simon fue uno de l@s 7 detenid@s en las manifestaciones de Thessalonika contra la cumbre de líderes de la U.E. Tiene 29 años, es anti-capitalista y colabora en Londres con bastantes centros sociales, especialmente en actividades musicales, así como en proyectos y acciones anti-guerra y anti-militaristas.]
Continue reading Carta de Simon Chapman, desde la prisión de Thessalonika. (2003)
What follows is a conversation between the imprisoned members of the CCF and a number of anarchists from Mexico. The questions are asked by various comrades of the country, not only by those of the editorial group Conspiración Ácrata. We thank the comrades who helped us with the huge job of translation from Greek into Spanish, and the comrades who helped us in making the conversation with the imprisoned comrades possible. Solidarity greetings to all of them and to our comrades of the CCF!
This dialogue came out for the first time in May 2012, in Spanish, in the Mexican anarchist magazine Conspiración Ácrata.
This English edition translated from the Italian text published by Edizioni Sole Nero by actforfreedomnow/B.pd/sysiphus.
CCF editorial translated by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
Ein Statement von Mark Barnsley, ein langjähriger Anarchist aus England. Er beschreibt seine Sicht auf die Enttarnung und seine Beziehung zu Mark “Stone” Kennedy, wie er selber schreibt, war er die erste Person, auf die der Bulle angesetzt war.
Despite previously being a good friend of the now unmasked undercover cop Mark Stone/Kennedy, like most who genuinely knew him well I have until now maintained a stoic silence on the affair, in print at least. I regret having to make this statement and do so only in view of the fact that I have been named in the national press at least twice in relation to the matter, and to clarify the facts regarding the issue in as much as they pertain to myself.
Continue reading Statement on Mark.Stone/Kennedy by Mark Barnsley
New booklet just released from Act for Freedom / Elephant Editions, all about the struggle in Indonesia against the mega-project threatening the coastal farming communities of Kulon Progo, featuring action reports, communiques, international solidarity and more.
Download the booklet from 325
The booklet is designed in a format to be printed out and reproduced. Please distribute.
Soli-website for Kulon Progo.