Pachuca, Hidalgo, November 13 2014.
With this statement, some groupuscules of “Savage Reaction” (RS), will respond to the text “Some ideas about the present and the future” from “Ediciones Isumatag” (EI), published on their blog on October 6 of this year [2014].
Continue reading Mexico: Some answers about the present and NOT about the future →

Último Reducto
Tras leer los cinco comunicados que Individualidades Tendiendo a lo Salvaje[1] (I.T.S. en adelante) ha hecho públicos en http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org, Último Reducto (U.R. en adelante) desea hacer algunos comentarios acerca de estos textos:[2]
Continue reading Algunos comentarios en referencia a los comunicados de Individualidades Tendiendo a lo Salvaje (2012) →

from feartosleep, translated by waronsociety:
After reading the five communiques that the Individualists Tending toward the Wild [1] (ITS) have published on http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org, Último Reducto (UR) wish to make some comments about these texts: [2]
Continue reading Último Reducto – Some comments in reference to the communiques from Individualists Tending toward the Wild (en/es) 2012 →

The following is a translation of a critique of ITS written by the Spanish Wildist Último Reducto. The translation can be found on War on Society and has not been approved of by the author. Read the original Spanish version on Último Reducto’s blog.
Continue reading Último Reducto – Some comments in reference to the communiques from Individualists Tending toward the Wild →
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