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Tag Archives: video
Wallmapu- Testimonio de José Manuel Peralino Huinca, 30mar16
Bruxelles : Une manifestation en solidarité avec les internationalistes espagnols bloquée par la police
Pasqua Notav (2 giorno): fuochi al cantiere
Dopo una lunga giornata di presidio, un centinaio di Notav si è concentrato sotto la tettoia costruita nella giornata di ieri, per una polentata e ripetute battiture alle reti del Jersey innalzati per impedire il transito verso la val Clarea.
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Video + Cartas. Agresion al bastardo Corbalan por parte del prisionero anarquista Joaquin Garcia.
Video desde los pasillos y catacumbas de la Seccion de Maxima Seguridad, mostrando el feliz y digno ataque del compañero Joaquin contra el bastardo miserable Alvaro Corbalan.
Toda nuestras solidaridad con lxs prisionerxs en guerra que con gestos cotidianos van construyendo caminos de insurrecta dignidad.
Continue reading Video + Cartas. Agresion al bastardo Corbalan por parte del prisionero anarquista Joaquin Garcia.
Against Europe of lager and deportations, let’s spread solidarity and struggle
Updates from the situation at Europe’s Eastern borders following the horrific EU-Turkey deal, from Hurriya.
On March 18th, 28 premiers of EU were in Brussels to confirm a deal to halt illegal migration flows with the turkish premier Davutoglu. The agreement aims to deport to Turkey all migrants arrived in Greece since March 20th, together with people already in Greece classified as “economic migrants”. Basically, this is the final elimination of the already limited right of asylum: who will face EU policies arriving in the islands will have no chances of “legal” resettlement. There remains only the promise of EU countries to relocate several thousand Syrians directly from Turkey.
Continue reading Against Europe of lager and deportations, let’s spread solidarity and struggle
Video. Soldato spara a palestinese a terra moribondo e inoffensivo
Hebron (Cisgiordania), 24 marzo 2016, Nena News – Due palestinesi sono stati uccisi dalle forze militari israeliane questa mattina a Hebron dopo aver pugnalato e ferito un soldato nella zona di Tel Rumeida, secondo quanto riferito da un portavoce dell’esercito israeliano.
Continue reading Video. Soldato spara a palestinese a terra moribondo e inoffensivo
Argentina: Uranium Mine Blockade and Occupation, Two Years and Still Strong
Germany – Urgent Hambach Forest Eviction
Second Day of Evictions! Support needed!
Polizei an der Wiese 14.3.2016.3 from Hambacher Forst on Vimeo.
15. March2016
Yesterday morning the meadow occupation was surrounded by police. This turned into a large scale police operation: All main paths in the forest were cleared, fixed and broadened, all barricades and tripods destroyed. Until today three unoccupied occupations were evicted (Crusty Town, Pizza, Molly). Police forces are still present all around, chasing people who try to build new barricades.
This is an urgent call-out for all kinds of support! What has happened the last two days is a massive attack! Because all the roads are cleared and passable for big machinery it’s important to protect the forest occupations NOW!
Greece: Armed Anarchist demonstration against drug dealers
Massive show of strength as anarchists, antifascists and anti-authoritarians took to the streets of Exarcheia against drug dealing mafias and police. The demonstration was guarded by comrades armed with openly displayed guns (who can be seen on the video from 01:53), something that has not been seen at demonstrations in recent times but was deemed necessary due to the serious threat posed by the heavily armed drug mafias who work in collusion with the police.