Video: RFID. La police totale sub ita


Video del collettivo Subterfuge & Pièces et Main d’Oeuvre di Grenoble, di critica alla società tecnologica, in particolare sull’ RFID: il chip che identifica, registra e controlla con radio frequenze oggetti, animali e persone. Sottotitolato in italiano.

O guarda il video direttamente sulla pagina Antispefa di Vimeo sotto licenza CC

28′ – marzo 2011 Scheda d

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Uniting Our Struggles: Where Animal Liberation and Anti-Oppression Meet

VGKids Sticker Template

by liz gurley flynn

Days ago, a supporter of the Animal Liberation Front issued a communique calling for movement support and action in dismantling the fur industry. At first glance, that this call was delivered to the Earth First! Journal Collective may seem peculiar. The North American Animal Liberation Press Office would be the predictable recipient. Or perhaps Bite Back Magazine. The caricature of animal liberation as a single-issue cause would dictate that the intended audience need only be the choir. So why aim this message of sabotage at an aboveground, mainstream “environmental” movement, currently embroiled in various head-on confrontations with the titans of extractive industry? Because our struggle is one!
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G.Kalaitzidis: On the raid in my house and the ongoing pogrom of the past days


On Tuesday 21st of Januray at 3pm, men of the hellenic police with attorney presence invaded my house. The reason – according to them – was an anonymous phone call stating that at my house I have guns and molotov cocktail bombs. The infamous phone call of the nonexistent snitch lead up to the four raids in the past in houses I was living in.

Anarchists in the Face of the New Capitalist Order


Alfredo M. Bonanno

Comrades, before starting this talk, a couple of words in order to get to know each other better. In conferences a barrier is nearly always created between whoever is talking and those who are listening. So, in order to overcome this obstacle we must try to come to some agreement because we are here to do something together, not simply to talk on the one hand and listen on the other. And this common interest needs to be clearer than ever given the questions about to be discussed this evening. Often the complexity of the analyses and the difficulty of the problems that are being tackled separate the person who is talking from those who are listening, pushing many comrades into a passive dimension. The same thing happens when we read a difficult book which only interests us up to a point, a book with a title such as Anarchism and Post-industrial Society, for example. I must confess that if I were to see such a book in a shop window, I’m not sure I’d buy it.
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Police surveillance and tracking of your cell phone


This article addresses the police use of new technologies to monitor and track the movements of people using cell phones or smart phones.  It highlights the vulnerabilities of such phones, especially for those that may be subject to surveillance (such as warriors).  Although the article does not go into other techniques, it is well known that such devices can also be turned into active listening devices even when turned off (by police or intelligence agencies secretly downloading “spyware” onto your phone, for example). 
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