Against the Reversal: Two articles against the reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline (zine) pdf


This small zine collects two essays advocating for resistance to the reversal of Enbridge’s Line 9 pipeline that will carry Tar Sands oil through Southern Ontario.

The first essay, “Stop the Flows: No Tar Sands Oil in Ontario” is a revised and expanded version of an essay we first published a few months ago. It introduces the reversal, situates it alongside other pipeline projects and the Tar Sands itself, describes the enhanced risks associated with a diluted bitumen spill, and addresses some of the common arguments made in favour of the Tar Sands.

“Tar Sands Pipelines as Bottle-necks against the Consolidation of Power in Canada” was published anonymously on several radical news sites. We appreciate this article because it talks about Line 9 and the other Tar Sands pipeline in terms of political and economic power.

If you’re organizing against Line 9 in your community, print these up and share them around!

PDF file available for download here: