Detienen a Werken Jaime Huenchullan en Victoria


En la ciudad de Victoria, hace pocos instantes, fue detenido el Werken Jaime Huenchullan, en el terminal de buses. Hasta el momento no se sabe la causa de la detención, sólo que ha sido trasladado a la Comisaría de Victoría. Nuestros Werken se están desplazando a dicho lugar para informarse de los antecedentes de este nuevo atropello hacia nuestra comunidad y en que condiciones se encuentra nuestro Peñi.

URGENTE, En violento allanamiento a comunidad Coñomil Epuleo Collico detienen a comunero Mapuche.

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A tutti i valsusini


Letto sui muri della Val Susa nell’ottobre 2008



source:, translated by bs

The struggle against the TAV in the Susa valley dates back to the early 1990s and has seen construction yards occupied on a great number of occasions by the local population. In 2005, for example, villages and towns of the region staged massive protests against the TAV in Val Susa and were brutally repressed by the government (at the time Berlusconi was in charge). Actions of sabotage and attack against the structures responsible for the project have also been numerous and constant throughout all these years.
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Against the Logic of Submission by Wolfi Landstreicher



Submission to domination is enforced not solely, nor even most significantly, through blatant repression, but rather through subtle manipulations worked into the fabric of everyday social relationships.

These manipulations — ingrained in the social fabric not because domination is everywhere and nowhere, but because the institutions of domination create rules, laws, mores and customs that enforce such manipulations — create a logic of submission, an often unconscious tendency to justify resignation and subservience in one’s everyday relations in the world. For this reason, it is necessary for those who are serious about developing an anarchist insurrectional project to confront this tendency wherever it appears — in their lives, their relationships and the ideas and practices of the struggles in which they participate. Such a confrontation is not a matter of therapy, which itself partakes of the logic of submission, but of defiant refusal. It requires a subversion of the existent, a development of different ways of relating to ourselves, each other, the world and our struggles, ways that clear reflect our determination to refuse all domination and to reappropriate our lives here and now. I am talking here of a real revolution of everyday life as the necessary basis for a social revolution against this civilization founded on domination and exploitation.
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Guillem Agulló, ni oblit ni perdó (Velencia)

Guillem Agulló 2014.preview

Concentración y concierto en recuerdo de Guillem Agulló, joven asesinado en el año 1993 por un grupo fascista. Recordemos que los culpables siguen militando en importantes cargos de Alianza Nacional y España 2000, y que se pasean impunemente por la calle.

20 anys sense Guillem Agulló: actes d’homenatge i recull de premsa

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Anarchistisch Centrum – Gent (hellgium)


Het Anarchistisch Centrum is een ontmoetingsplaats voor individuen en groepen die in het Gentse bezig zijn met anarchisme en/of direkte aktie. Anarchisme betekent voor ons dat we op een anti-autoritaire manier willen werken aan een ecologische samenleving waar alle macht gelijk verdeeld is.

Sparrestraat 1A, 9000 Gent

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