Vienna: Cops go crazy. Three people brutally arrested. District under siege.


Yesterday, friday the 25th of april, two cops were lurking through the Mühlfeldgasse in the 2nd district of Vienna at around 20hr. Shortly afterwards a group of people was attacked by the cops in front of the Pizzeria Anarchiasquat. Like almost everyday, the viennese cops terrorizing our district were carrying out a racist control.
Continue reading Vienna: Cops go crazy. Three people brutally arrested. District under siege.

Infomobile Serbia – freedom of movement!


The idea of the infomobile simply results from the fact of migration being phenomena in great motion. It leans on the already existing sister projectinfomobile in Greece ( to be able to meet migrants on their difficult journey at all these varying places across Serbia and other Balkans countries mobility is a necessity.

Behind this grassroots’ initiative, there is a non-hierarchical, self-organized, network of no-border activists with a small number of them working on it constantly on the spot.

Continue reading Infomobile Serbia – freedom of movement!

[Toulouse] « La police a été extrêmement violente pour casser la Crea. Ça fait plusieurs années qu’ils nous ont dans le viseur et là avec l’arrivée de Jean-Luc Moudenc, ils ont voulu marquer le coup »


Toulouse : un militant blessé par un tir de Flashball lors de l’évacuation d’un squat

Un jeune homme a déposé plainte jeudi 24 avril 2014 auprès du procureur de Toulouse après avoir été grièvement blessé par un tir policier le 21 avril à Toulouse, lors de l’évacuation de deux maisons squattées. Yann Zoldan, psychologue de 26 ans, souffre de multiples fractures à la joue droite, causées selon lui par l’impact d’un tir de LBD 40×46 (le Flashball nouvelle génération, plus puissant et plus précis).
Continue reading [Toulouse] « La police a été extrêmement violente pour casser la Crea. Ça fait plusieurs années qu’ils nous ont dans le viseur et là avec l’arrivée de Jean-Luc Moudenc, ils ont voulu marquer le coup »

Lettera di Mauro Gentile: per la costruzione di un coordinamento degli imputati del 15 Ottobre


Riceviamo e pubblichiamo da Mauro Gentile questa lettera invito alla costruzione di un coordinamento degli imputati del 15 Ottobre, Proposta che facciamo nostra e rilanciamo:

A due anni dal mio arresto: riflessioni sul 12 aprile e una proposta agli imputati del processo per i fatti del 15 ottobre!

Ancona, 19.04.2014
Continue reading Lettera di Mauro Gentile: per la costruzione di un coordinamento degli imputati del 15 Ottobre

Nouvelles de Damien Camelio


Damien camélio a été transféré hier au Centre de détention de Mont de Marsan

Sa nouvelle adresse :
Centre de détention de Mont de Marsan
Chemin de Pémégnan
BP 90629
Il va bien, a arrêté sa grève de la faim le 17 avril après 15 jours de grève

NATO 3 sentenced to prison


From comrades from NATO 3 Support:

Today in the Cook County Criminal Courthouse, the NATO 3 were sentenced to between 5 and 8 years in prison. The prosecutors had argued that they should receive 14 years and serve their sentences consecutively, whereas the defense attorneys had obviously argued that they should receive light sentences, if not simply being sentenced to time served. Brian Jacob Church was sentenced to 5 years, Brent Betterly to 6 years, and Jared Chase to 8 years. They will all serve this time at 50% of the sentenced time (e.g., 6 year sentence equals 3 years served) and will receive credit for the two years they have served pending trial. Upon release, they will each have two years of supervised release as well.
Continue reading NATO 3 sentenced to prison