EXPECT US – new Animal Liberation magazine


Funding is needed for a new media project,  Expect US: Journal of the Radical Animal Liberation Movement

which at aims to revitalize independent media and radical social politics for the animal liberation movement.


About Expect Us


For much of its history the animal liberation movement has relied on independent print media to distribute news and information. with the rise of the internet and social media we have seen the demise of such forms of communication.


We now rely on corporate controlled social and mass media outlets to learn about our own movement. Not only does this pose a massive security issue but it also creates a worrying trend where those responsible for the exploitation of animals are also in control of the information we receive.


Expect Us is a new project aimed at regenerating grass-roots independent animal liberation media. We plan on publishing a quarterly magazine filled with news, information and discussion aimed at the animal liberation movement written by the animal liberation movement.


What It Will Include



Expect Us will be a quarterly journal aimed at the grass-roots animal liberation movement. Inside we hope to cover a breadth of topics relevant to our movement from news and campaign updates; to featured articles and how-to guides; to critique and analysis as well as a space for open discussion on the big issues surrounding the animal liberation movement.


There is a lot of stuff to cover especially for a movement as large and diverse as ours. As well as writing content ourselves we’d seek submissions from members of the animal liberation movement and other social justice struggles. Though our focus is primarily on the UK animal liberation movement we will be covering news and events in Europe and worldwide as well as talking to people from across the world about their experiences of the struggle against speciesism.


Our first issue will focus on the biggest topic to hit the animal liberation movement for a decade: The Badger Cull. We plan on writing a full write-up of the events leading up to, during and after the cull. We’re asking people who were involved in the campaign to get in touch and give us their views on what happened; what went well; what went not so well; and how to move forward as a movement.


What We’re Asking For


The money we are asking for is to cover the start-up costs for the project as well as printing costs for the first four issues. If we manage to raise all the necessary funds then we can spend our first year insuring the success of the magazine without having to worry about finances. Other costs include website and domain hosting, printing for promotional materials and postage costs to send free issues to prisoners and social centres.


We plan on financing the project in the future from a mixture of subscriptions, selling advertising space to other grass-roots projects and groups, fundraising events and crowdsourcing campaigns like this one. It is our hope that we can be self-sustaining by the end of the first year.


About Us


We are a group of people who have been involved in the grass-roots animal liberation movement for several years and realise the importance of independent print media for creating a strong, effective social movement. We are currently involved in other social justice movements and our politics draw from the anarchist tradition.