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Brochure des années 80: XXIe congrès de la WACL et groupes réactionnaires à Genève
Télécharger la brochure
Brochure des années 80: XXIe congrès de la WACL et groupes réactionnaires à Genève
Desde Ucrania a Grecia, una coalición: los nazis y la policía!
Continue reading [Ucrania] Ataque neonazi y policial al CSO “Autonomía” en Jarkov
reported by Polish activists (translation):
“More than 80 foxes rescued from a fur farm
The animals have escaped a cruel death, which inevitably would have awaited them at the hands of the farmer.
If not you, who?
If not now, when?
Take matters into your own hands!”
“Z fermy futerkowej uratowano ponad 80 lisów
Zwierzęta uniknęły w ten sposób okrutnej śmierci, która niechybnie czekałaby je z rąk hodowcy.
Jeśli nie Ty, to kto?
Jeśli nie teraz, to kiedy?
Weź sprawy w swoje ręce!”
“Killah P Lives ”
Soirée hommage à Pavlos Fyssas, rappeur antifasciste assassiné par l’extrême droite à Athènes le 18 sept à Athènes.
Repas à prix libre et Bar à prix ghetto (en soutien à la CREA)
Projection de “Ne vivons plus comme des esclaves ” de Yannis Yoluntas
Concert (prix libre pour l’essence des groupes):
Continue reading Soirée concert rap hommage à Killah P- 19 sept
From The Mainstream Media
The Tacoma Police Department apparently has bought — and quietly used for
six years — controversial surveillance equipment that can sweep up records
of every cellphone call, text message and data transfer up to a half a mile
You don’t have to be a criminal to be caught in this law enforcement snare.
You just have to be near one and use a cellphone.
Known as Stingray, the device — small enough to be carried in a car —
tricks cellphones into thinking it’s a cell tower and draws in their
The video was first screened at the discussion event “Industrial civilization, meat production and consumption” on March 14th, 2014 in Athens (Greece) by the group Sympraxis for Anarchy. Website (Greek language):Adamasto.squat.gr.
From F.A.M.
Join Free Alabama-Mississippi Movement United tonight, Sept. 1st at 7 P.M. (Central) on our blogtalkradio show “The People’s Platform,” as we start our series “We Got Power.” To join, dial 646-716-4936 (or visit BlogTalkRadio). We are scheduled to be joined by a special guest from California tonight, Bro. Malik El Ghandi, as we begin to educate the People as to why we MUST organize a plan around the economic structure of the modern slave empire called Department of Corrections.
This is an ongoing radio show with 28 episodes already archived. The link will be available on our blog under “Ongoing Campaigns.”