A Letter from Michele Pontolillo,anarchist prisoner in struggle (2000)


I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7 2000, I will start an indefinite hunger strike. Given the situation of growing repression in which we live inside as well as outside prison, and departing from the inalienable right of every individual to revolt against the omnipotence and arrogance of those in Power, I announce that at 12 o’clock on December 7, 2000 I will start an indefinitive hunger strike for the reasons I would like to expose here.
Continue reading A Letter from Michele Pontolillo,anarchist prisoner in struggle (2000)

A Letter from Mazas Prison


Clément Duval

Although I am not well known to you, you know that I am an anarchist. I am writing this letter to you to protest against the insanities that must have leaked out about me in particular and about the anarchists in general in all different kinds of newspapers which joined together to say, when I was arrested, that I was an ex-convict and had already been convicted of theft. As if you could call someone a thief who was a worker who had nothing but misery whereas for me theft does not exist except in the exploitation of man by man, in short, in the existence of everyone who lives at the expense of the producing class.
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Police Clamp Down on Plan Nord Demonstrators in Downtown Clash


(Demonstrators are attacked by police Dec 8, Montreal)

Montreal police have arrested two demonstrators and fined two more, as a group of protesters clashed with police at a demonstration against Quebec’s proposed Northern Plan mining project in Montreal on a frigid Monday morning.

Two will be charged with assault, according to police.
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Text by Tasos Theofilou concerning the trial due to begin on June 10th 2013. Athens.


In September 2009 begin the first arrest with the pretext of the “dismantling” of the CCF, inaugurating the method of penalizing personal relations between anarchicsts and distributing arrest warrants like flyers. A tactic aimed at striking not only the CCF, but the whole of the anarchist movement. Essentially, the oppressive mechanisms will use this specific organization as a reason to attack the anarchist movement, spreding fear and insecurity within it.
Continue reading Text by Tasos Theofilou concerning the trial due to begin on June 10th 2013. Athens.

Letter from Babis Tsilianidis. (2012)


On July 18th 2012 the trial takes place in which I am accused of a robbery in the economy sector of Ahepa hospital in the summer of 2010.
In the text that my comrades and I published our first trial (for the arson of vehicles of the national electricity company), we mentioned the decisions we had taken concerning how we would act at our trials, as well as the reasons that led us to them.
Continue reading Letter from Babis Tsilianidis. (2012)

Contre l’État, mais pour les « libérations nationales » ?


Peut-on être contre tout État et défendre des entités en lutte pour la création d’un nouvel État ? C’est la question que l’on peut se poser lorsque l’on parcourt ce n° 243 de Courant alternatif dans lequel on trouve côte à côte une défense des Palestiniens luttant pour la formation d’un État, un article pour l’indépendance des pays catalans, l’affirmation que pour la Libye « la fin de la dictature offrait la possibilité de construire une société libre et égalitaire (un nouvel État ?) » et un dernier sur le « soutien au peuple kurde » dont la lutte s’inscrit dans la constitution d’un État kurde.
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