On the night of the 22nd of December we attacked the Spanish Consulate in Amsterdam. We threw paint bombs and sabotaged their door in solidarity with the people repressed by the fascist Spanish state.
In November 2011 a new government, the conservative Partido Popular (PP), was elected in Spain and since then it controls over 50% of the parliament. The politicians of PP are cutting social rights and welfare. Specifically, in the past weeks they passed the Citizenship’s security law and Internet law.
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Monthly Archives: December 2014
El Estado, con el fin del control y la represión social, no solo utiliza los instrumentos más obvios (vetos y prohibiciones, cárcel y otras formas de coerción), sino que busca difundir su normativa no escrita, su vocabulario, de cara a inmovilizar y golpear a lxs que, de forma individual o no, se oponen activamente, con ideas y con prácticas consecuentes, al estado de cosas existente.
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Repressione di Stato: autorepressione [scritto di Nicole Vosper]
Segue la traduzione di uno scritto di Nicole Vosper, ex prigioniera SHAC:
di Nicole Vosper
Riflessioni sull’inatteso impatto emotivo del carcere e della repressione
dopo una condanna di 3 anni e mezzo
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Madrid: Marcha a la cárcel de Navalcarnero
Miércoles, 31 de diciembre del 2014, a las 12:00 horas.
Como en años pasados, el próximo miércoles 31 de diciembre a las 12:00h vamos a hacer una concentración delante del Centro Penitenciario Madrid IV, Navalcarnero (Madrid).
Os animamos a venir a la concentración para demostrar a las personas que allí se encuentran encerradas nuestra solidaridad, recordándoles que no están solas y olvidadas. Así como para demostrar también a quienes las encierran nuestra repulsa.
Para llegar al Centro Penitenciario Madrid IV, Navalcarnero (Madrid) se ha de tomar la Carretera de Extremadura, salida 28. Hay autobuses desde Príncipe Pío (528) y desde Móstoles (529 y 531).
Grupo de apoyo a presxs de Madrid.
“Type C”: Maximum security prisons poster (Greece)
Francia: Ataques solidarios con lxs anarquistas presxs en el Estado español (es/fr)
Durante los últimos días, en París, Ivry, Kremlin-Bicêtre y Gentilly, fueron destruidas a martillazos 5 distribuidoras de billetes y una agencia inmobiliaria. Además, 3 vehículos de empresas constructoras y proveedoras de prisión (Vinci, Sodexo, Onet) fueron incendiados.
¡Solidaridad con lxs anarquistas encarceladxs en el Estado español!
¡Libertad para todxs!
Continue reading Francia: Ataques solidarios con lxs anarquistas presxs en el Estado español (es/fr)
Text by CCF-FAI/IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell about the proposal of Nikos Maziotis concerning the Solidarity Assembly (Greece)
Text from the comrades concerning the creation of an assembly of solidarity and action with the political prisoners.
i) C’ Type prisons – an act of war
C’ Type prisons wish to become the monument of the State’s victory against the urban guerrilla warfare. It is a bet for us, if we’re going to let a thousand tonnes of concrete, bars and locks beat the human will for freedom, a bet which is to be answered through action by the enemies of the regime and the friends of freedom.
Continue reading Text by CCF-FAI/IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell about the proposal of Nikos Maziotis concerning the Solidarity Assembly (Greece)
Puntata del 16.12: riflessioni su tecnologie e dominio – Radio Blackout
In un’epoca dove ogni cosa viene venduta per “migliorare la qualità della vita”, dove ogni azione è spacciata per il bene dell’umanità e della terra tutta, nell’età delle smart cities e degli immancabili smart borders, la tecnologia bio, nano e biometrica fa sempre più affari e sempre più ne farà. Sicurezza e comodità, per il nostro bene, ovviamente.
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Insurrectionary Anarchism in Mexico 2011
ick here to download pdf (75 MB, 48 pgs, tabloid)
This publication is a compilation of news from the social war in Mexico during the year 2011. It took us a bit longer than we had hoped to complete it, but we feel it is still valid as a tool to communicate the actions and communique’s of Anarchist Action groups throughout Mexico to the English-speaking world.
Over the last few years, Anarchist direct action has been expanding throughout Mexico, both in quantity and in force. 2011 was in no way an exception, with every-day conflict with the State more and more evident. We make special note of “Black September” in which the social war waged by Anarchist Action groups was at its strongest. We hope that 2012 can be even stronger, not only in Mexico, but in every corner of the Globe. Through these communiques we can learn that we don’t need to be a “professional” to carry out attacks such as these, but that anyone is capable of attacking the State and its symbols of power.