domenica 4 gennaio 2015
ore 21
proiezione del film QUI
presso la
sala Istituto Salesiani
domenica 4 gennaio 2015
ore 21
proiezione del film QUI
presso la
sala Istituto Salesiani
Avec Attiéké All Star Band, Les fils Burrough, Ni por la patria et Mary Belle, à 19h. Prix libre.
Au Centre social auto-organisé « Attiéké »
31 blvd Marcel Sembat, 93200 Saint-Denis (métro L13 Porte de Paris ou Gare de Saint-Denis)
Contact :31marcelsembat@@@riseup.net
Continue reading Saint-Denis (93): concert de soutien au centre social auto-organisé Attiéké le vendredi 9 janvier 2015
In solidarity with anarchists arrested in Spain, we wrecked the Deutsche Bank branch in Leipzig.
On the 16th December 2014 in Spain, different police forces conducted coordinated raids in 12 apartments, resulting in 11 anarchists arrested. One of the pretexts for why the raids took place was that the accused had destroyed cashpoints.
We stand in solidarity with those affected by the state repression and thus destroyed the cashpoints and broke the windows of Deutsche Bank situated in Lindenauer Markt.
Some are affected – we are all concerned!
We support the call for violence for the 31st December 2014.
Source – Contra Info
Translated from French; originally in German from Linksunten Indymedia.
Continue reading Direct Action, Leipzig
Recojo para el debate este texto publicado en su blog por lxs compas de la revista libertaria y antidesarrollista Argelaga (Barcelona). El texto fue publicado en el periódico Le Monde el 4 de diciembre de 2014, y está escrito por René Riesel y Jacques Philipponneau, conocidos por reivindicar la corriente surgida a partir de la revista y editorial francesaL’Encyclopedie des Nuisances (La Enciclopedia de las Nocividades), que contaba en su equipo editor, entre otros, con autores como Miguel Amorós, Jaime Semprún o Pascal Moatti, y que publicó textos de autores no menos interesantes como el situacionista Guy Debord, Lewis Mumford o Günther Anders. Pese a divergencias puntuales con algunos de sus aportes, las ideas y bases para la crítica teórica a la sociedad industrial y sus desarrollos a pequeña y gran escala que trajo esta publicación revitalizaron un debate estancado, inspiraron nuevos análisis y contribuyeron a formar numerosos proyectos de resistencia contra la hecatombe del Progreso, a lo largo de varias décadas.
Flesh belongs to the animals and not on the plates of people! the murderous business of ‘Otto poultry,’ was visited by the alf at their company on Fenchelweg in Berlin. the locks of 3 mobile kiosks (such as those found at weekly markets) were glued and severed the cables that power the turn signals and lights.
Flesh belongs to the animals and not on the plates of people! To express our
outrage at the murderous business of ‘Otto poultry,’ we visited the company on Fenchelweg in Berlin. We glued the locks of 3 mobile kiosks (such as those found at weekly markets) and severed the cables that power the turn signals and lights. At least for a short time, the kiosks will not make money selling animal corpses. We hope the repair costs were high.
We are considering more visits!
“Not only against prison, but also against the detention of every living being”
Contribution to the Croce Nera Anarchica bulletin # 1 – September 2014
Continue reading “Not only against prison, but also against the detention of every living being” – Contribution of Gianluca Iacovacci from the prison of Alessandria (Italy)
[submittor note: This interview and the rest of issue #1 of Black Seed can now be found at the Anarchist Library http://theanarchistlibrary.org/topics/black-seed]
Klee Benally is originally from Black Mesa and has worked most of his life at the front lines in struggles to protect Indigenous sacred lands. Klee doesn’t believe the current dominant social order (read “colonial system”) can be fixed but should (and will be) smashed to pieces. When asked about his politics he says, “I maintain Diné traditionalism as my way of being in this world. I have affinity with Anarchism and identify myself as an Indigenous Anarchist.” Klee performed with the rock group Blackfire for 20 years and performs solo today. http://kleebenally.com/
Continue reading Interview with Klee Benally