Animal Liberation: The Movie (1992, England)

An early and wonderful example of DIY video production and anonymous distribution, Animal Liberation: The Movie was brought to the US by Freeman Wicklund in the early 90s. Often sold on the same tape as the moving Kieth Mann documentary “Angels of Mercy,” it quickly became a must have in the video collection of activists everywhere.

Documenting the high-water mark of daylight raids, department store arson, hunt sabotage, and undercover investigations in England, this sub-rosa video remains one of the best catalogs of direct action in the 80s and early 90s.

Resistere al dominio tecnologico: iniziative di autoformazione e solidali con Billy, Costa e Silvia – Milano



Crisi, fame nel mondo, salute, progresso e benessere dell’umanità sono gli argomenti più utilizzati dagli esperti per convincerci della necessaria e massiccia introduzione delle biotecnologie nelle nostre esistenze.
La ricerca scientifica e l’espansione industriale sono da sempre strumenti di arricchimento e dominio per chi detiene il potere e si basano sull’impoverimento, lo sfruttamento e l’oppressione di tutto il resto: esseri umani, animali e natura. Questo è ancora più evidente oggi con lo sviluppo di nuovi rami della scienza come biotecnologie e nanotecnologie, che vanno a modificare la materia e gli organismi viventi fin nelle loro particelle più piccole, creando nuove chimere.
Continue reading Resistere al dominio tecnologico: iniziative di autoformazione e solidali con Billy, Costa e Silvia – Milano

How to find out if you’re on the “domestic extremism” database


If you’re campaigning for social justice, animal rights or to protect the environment or part of a leftwing group, then it’s likely you’re already on a police database and classified as a “domestic extremist”. As previously mentioned, this term is deliberately vague and can be applied to anyone who’s challenging the existing order and wants to build a fairer, more just and compassionate society.
Continue reading How to find out if you’re on the “domestic extremism” database

20-26 April: World Week for Animals in Laboratories


WWAIL is calling for a global grassroots week of action from 20-26 April 2015 in keeping with the traditional remembrance of laboratory animals that has been marked by World Day for Animals in Laboratories on 24 April. Rather than the traditional march, all actions will be organised by and for local groups or grassroots campaigns.

There will be a diverse range of activities challenging vivisection in as many ways as possible. These will include demonstrations, street stalls, film showings, solidarity for activists either in prison, facing or recovering from repression.
Continue reading 20-26 April: World Week for Animals in Laboratories