Why We Oppose the Police


Criticism of opposition to the police usually falls into one of five categories. The first common argument is that the police, as our fellow workers, are also exploited members of the proletariat, and should therefore be our allies. Unfortunately, there is a vast gap between “should” and “is.” The police exist to enforce the will of the powerful; anyone who has not had a bad experience with them is likely either privileged or submissive. Today’s police officers, at least in North America, know exactly what they’re getting into when they join the force; people in uniform don’t just get cats out of trees in this country. Yes, most take the job because of what they feel to be economic necessity, but needing a paycheck is no excuse for obeying orders to evict families, harass young men of color, or pepper spray demonstrators; those whose consciences can be bought are everyone else’s enemies, not potential allies.
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Demo 6pm tonight for the sieged Aylesbury occupation


For weeks, Southwark Council, despite the fortifications they have built, have failed to stop us coming and going from the part of the Aylesbury that falls within their phase one demolition zone. All they have achieved is to outrage the residents still living in the block who now have to negotiate their way through a militarised zone to get home. The fortifications are likely illegal and are unsafe.
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