This Friday begins the “Reclaim the Fields” action camp, near the site of the planned Wrexham Mega Prison in North Wales.
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Monthly Archives: August 2015
Palabras del compa Juan Flores para la actividad “Mi Memoria un Puñal”.
Palabras para la actividad en memoria de Sante Caserio, realizada por la Biblioteca Autonoma Sante Geronimo Caserio, aca puedes ver el Folleto repartido y mas palabras leidas durante la jornada.
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Irish Anarchist Review Issue 11
The eleventh issue of the Irish Anarchist Review goes to press in the middle of the biggest battle in the war against austerity in Ireland to date. Tens of thousands of people have taken part in mass demonstrations against the water charges, up and down the country thousands have taken part in acts of physical resistance against water meter installation and hundreds of thousands, at the very least, are getting ready to participate in a mass boycott of the charge.
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Greece: Gestures in memory of Sebastian Oversluij and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchist comrades
As anarchists, we stand in solidarity and complicity with the anarchist comrades who chose the path of armed confrontation with the state and capital, thus transforming words into bullets and fire and theory into a moving force for actions. The feelings of comradeship don’t allow us to forget neither anarchists prisoners, hostages in the hands of every single state, nor of course those who were killed in action. Whether they are in Greece or in Chile, Mexico, Spain or in any corner of the planet, our ideas know no boundaries, challenging any restrictions imposed on us.
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Chronik: a new blog documenting social war from Germany
More than two years have passed since Til Schweiger obtained the closure of Since that time, it’s been more difficult to create an overview – and to definitively give some courage. Indymedia Linksunten is used and considered by many as a platform, but texts published on it soon become archived on back pages. Chronics in ‘underground notebooks’ or listings by topics create an overview from time to time. Much remains unnoticed, especially without a claim of responsibility in it’s stride. Therefore the city dweller receives hardly any agitation news happening in the country and in their own environment, if they do not take the trouble to study the tabloids and cop dispatches.
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Breves palabras ante el llamamiento internacional en solidaridad con lxs presxs anarquistas
La solidaridad anárquica, activa y combativa es el llamado abierto hacia lxs compas de acción a intensificar el conflicto contra este orden social. La realidad actual en las prisiones para nuestrxs hermanxs no es de sumisión y arrepentimiento, si no todo lo contrario; de solidaridad, memoria y lucha constante. Son muchos lxs compas que transitan firmes por ellas desde hace varios años, por lo mismo nuestro camino de guerra
contra el Poder es también un guiño cómplice hacia nuestrxs hermanxs.
Un mínimo gesto de acción como es levantar barricadas llenando de propaganda el sector obstaculizado es dejarle claro a quienes transitan por ahí -como a la policía- que hay sujetxs que no olvidan a lxs presxs y la lucha misma. Lo hemos dejado claro en algunas acciones: [8/1], [3/3], [26/4] entre otras. Nuestra opción es clara y apostamos porfiadamente por ella, nadie lo puede ocultar, ni lo puede negar.
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Heidenau: assalti neonazisti contro centro per migranti. La polizia carica il corteo antifa
Dopo mesi di provocazioni e aggressioni portate avanti sotto la bandiera dell’organizzazione razzista e xenofoba di Pegida (vedi qui e qui), in Germania l’estrema destra continua a cercare di soffiare sul fuoco della questione migranti, all’ordine del giorno in tutta Europa in queste settimane.
L’azione dei neonazisti in questi ultimi giorni si è indirizzata in particolare contro un centro di accoglienza per migranti appena aperto ad Heidenau, nei pressi di Dresda. Durante il fine settimana appena trascorso, i militanti dell’estrema destra hanno tentato di attaccare per due notti consecutive il centro, gridando insulti contro i migranti e lanciando pietre e altri oggetti verso l’edificio.
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Listado actualizado Prisioneros Políticos Mapuche, Agosto 2015
16 son nuestros weichafe encarcelados, sin mencionar a nuestros pu peñi que han asumido dignamente la clandestinidad o están hoy en proceso bajo otras medidas cautelares.
Domingo 16 de agosto de 2015, por Comisión de Comunicaciones
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Actividad: Turno de Correspondencia
Turno de Correspondencia
(Enmarcado en la Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con lxs Presxs Anarquistas del 23 al 30 de Agosto)
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Ecuador. A Macas indigeni attaccano poliziotti con le lance
Macas ha vissuto una violenta mattina. Almeno 200 persone, armate di lance, hanno cercato di occupare la Direzione Distrettuale dell’Educazione, situata nella capitale del Morona Santiago. La Polizia ha impedito l’azione dei manifestanti, che hanno reagito con le loro lance e sparando.
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