Monthly Archives: September 2015
[Berlin] Jobcenter Mitte attacked – fuck austerity
In the night of 15th September Jobcenter Mitte was attacked with colour-bombs.
Since years european migrants are kicked out from the jobcenter and don’t receive any money. Yesterday the european court decided that this is officially “legal” from now on.
This decision is part of a permanet attempt of deviding unemployed people in germans and non-germans, lazy and deligent, those who get supported and those who get punished.
We are fed up with the daily terror at the Jobcenter and other offices. Let’s organize.
Racist are on a Witch Hunt
As the tension grows, the Turkish State keeps provoking racist groups. Throughout yesterday day and night, news came from all around Turkey that Kurdish people, their workplaces and HDP were attacked by fascists.
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Naga City, Philippines: Food Not Bombs & Film Screening in solidarity with victims of war, 26.09.15
Naga City, Philippines: Fuck War! Food Not Bombs and Film Screening in solidarity with all victims of war, from the Lumads, to West Papua, to Syria and the whole World! Used clothing and food donations will be accepted at the event. Saturday September 26, 4PM at Plaza Rizal, Naga City, Philippines.
Prigionieri | Antifascismo – Tolti i domiciliari a Matteo, arrestato per la rivolta del 24 gennaio
Apprendiamo che da sabato 12 settembre, Matteo, arrestato a giugno con l’accusa di devastazione e saccheggio per la rivolta del 24 gennaio di Cremona, non è più ai domiciliari. La misura è diventata obbligo di dimora a Lecce.
Una buona notizia. Il nostro pensiero va a Tide, Sbob, Mauro, Pippo, Andre e Tommy, antifascisti ancora ai domiciliari. Li vogliamo tutti liberi!
Il fascismo si combatte con ogni mezzo necessario.
Greece: Solidarity text from anarchist prisoner Panagiotis Mihalakoglou to Evi Statiri
Once again the system has shown its real face and its vindictiveness took shape with the illegal (according to their own laws) detention of the partner of Gerasimos Tsakalos, Evi Statiri. Her only “crime” is the human relationship she has with comrade Gerasimos Tsakalos.
Continue reading Greece: Solidarity text from anarchist prisoner Panagiotis Mihalakoglou to Evi Statiri
Están bombardeando Euskal Herria
Autor: Borroka garaia da!
No se ni por dónde empezar. La foto de un niño refugiado muerto en una playa en Turquía causaba recientemente la indignación mundial. Están siendo miles y miles de personas por toda Europa y también en Euskal Herria, las que ante las oleadas de refugiados muestran su solidaridad y bienvenida.
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Spari della polizia tedesca al confine con l’Austria. Tensione sempre più alta alla frontiera serbo-ungherese
E’ notizia di pochissimo tempo fa che la polizia tedesca ha sparato a salve verso decine di persone che hanno tentato di passare dalla frontiera che separa Austria e Germania. Allo stesso tempo, a Rozske e in altri punti dell’ Ungheria assistiamo al faccia a faccia tra forze militari e migliaia di persone accalcate alle recinzioni che fanno pressione tentando di oltrepassarle e/o abbatterle in barba al contingente repressivo da vero e proprio stato di guerra.
Continue reading Spari della polizia tedesca al confine con l’Austria. Tensione sempre più alta alla frontiera serbo-ungherese
Report on Cizre: State forces deliberately shot civilians dead
Human rights organizations have released a report they prepared following a scene-examination in Cizre district of Şırnak. The report reveals that state forces deliberately targeted and shot civilians dead, violated their right to health and denied them access to treatment.
Continue reading Report on Cizre: State forces deliberately shot civilians dead