El día jueves 24 de agosto a eso de las 2 am colocamos un artefacto explosivo de fabricación casera compuesto por una botella plástica de medio litro rellena de pólvora negra , mechas detonantes y de iniciación. Adheridas a un cigarrillo que sirvió como retardo, todo únido a dos camping gas (gas butano) en la entrada de una de las sedes del circulo de suboficiales de la policía federal argentina ubicada en Alberti entre Chile y Mexico del barrio porteño de Balvanera . A pesar de que las cámaras sigan nuestros pasos, contamos con buenos amigxs y la determinación e imaginación creativa para evadir la seguridad de esta paz social.
Monthly Archives: September 2015
Sabato 12 settembre! MOLOVERDE HARDCORE!!!
Continue reading Sabato 12 settembre! MOLOVERDE HARDCORE!!!
Call in Successful! Sean is at 3A!
Last week, we sent out an urgent request that supporters call Warren Correctional and demand that Sean be moved to a 3A level cell block. He left SOCF in mid August, he was supposed to be sent to 3A, but was instead “accidentally placed in a 3B unit. 3B is a disciplinary unit, where prison gangs ran things and young guys who were only in for short stints and had nothing to lose would pick fights and cause trouble a lot.
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November 7-8, 2015: 2nd Annual Torch Anti-Fascist Conference in Philadelphia
This November 7th and 8th Antifa Philadelphia is proud to host the 2nd annual Torch Antifascist Network conference. The Torch Antifa network is comprised of autonomous Antifascist groups who share information and resources. We expose, oppose and confront Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Anti-migrant and Anti-Choice groups and individuals, as well as other bigots and fascists.
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Adios Prison: Tales of Spectacular Escapes Audio Book
In solidarity with international days of action for anarchist prisoners august 23-30, the mongrel creek gang has recorded Adios Prison: Tales of Spectacular Escapes as a audio book in mp3 format. Its the true stories told by spanish prisoners themselves of five different successful escapes. Compiled inside the FIES prison regime by Juan Jose Garfia and translated and published in english by elephant editions.
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Attack against Turkish general consulate in Zurich (Switzerland)
In the night of the 25.8. to the 26.8.2015, we attacked a car on the terrain of the Turkish general consulate at the Weinbergstrasse 65 in Zurich with an explosive device after the Turkish state launched a massive attack against progressive forces in the region with cover from the USA, NATO and the Barzani clan in Iraq in the past weeks. We are in solidarity with the struggle for a free Rojava and the struggle of the revolutionary movement in Turkey!
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Publicación anticarcelaria Derriba los muros
En el marco de la Segunda Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con lxs presxs Anarquistas del 23 al 30 de Agosto del 2015 publicamos esta edición especial de la cuarta etapa del boletín Derriba los muros.
Abajo los muros de las cárceles.
Noviembre: Tercera Feria Anarquista del libro y la publicación Medellín.
Prisiones chilenas: Comunicado del compa Manuel Espinosa (caso PDI)
En el marco de la semana de propaganda anticarcelaria internacional es que escribo desde el encierro en la carcel empresa santiago uno.
Continue reading Prisiones chilenas: Comunicado del compa Manuel Espinosa (caso PDI)
Eric King Solidarity materials
So first of all I would love to announce that our primary fundraiser goal has been met thanks to his amazing comrades! We are so excited overwhelmed by everyone’s solidarity be it donating to the fundraiser, making sure Eric stays connected by dropping him a letter or even by sending him a book. We will continue to be taking donations and also “selling” t-shirts on his fundraiser.
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