Monthly Archives: January 2016
Police riot van attacked by youths with bricks in Grimsby town centre -UK
ONLOOKERS have spoken of their “shock” and “disbelief” after a group of youths threw bricks at a police riot van in Grimsby town center smashing its windscreen last night.
The incident happened between 8.30pm and 9pm (Tuesday, January 26) and is said to have involved a group of six to eight youths on bikes who launched a succession of bricks at a Humberside Police van parked outside Chambers pub in Old Market Place, Grimsby.
via:scum media
Greece: Maria Theofilou released on bail
On January 21st 2016, Maria Theofilou (life companion of imprisoned bank robber Giorgos Petrakakos; sister of anarchist communist prisoner Tasos Theofilou) was released from Koridallos prison under restrictive conditions: monetary bail of 5,000 euros and obligation to report to her nearest police station twice a month.
Chile: Ni Dios ni Amo… Entre el acto y la palabra
Frente a lo expuesto públicamente sobre un escenario particular de la realidad carcelaria en Santiago, es que se hace necesario levantar la voz. No buscamos alimentar un debate virtual, ni entrar en un diálogo desgastante, si no simplemente reivindicar y dignificar posiciones de combate antiautoritario.
Continue reading Chile: Ni Dios ni Amo… Entre el acto y la palabra
Karlos è stato assolto!
Karlos Garcia Preciado, il nostro compagno, condannato in spagna nel 2000 a 16 anni di carcere per il presunto danneggiamento di una banca, e costretto a lasciare il paese basco e a vivere in clandestinità in Italia, con un altro nome, fino a febbraio dello scorso anno quando l’interpol e la digos italiana l’ hanno arrestato.
Cartel en solidaridad con lxs anarquistas presxs en el estado español
Pyhäjoki, Finland: Traffic at and to the Fennovoima-Rosatom’s nuke plant construction site blocked – again
In mid-January Fennovoima-Rosatom announced that their geopolitically and environmentally funky plan to build this Putin’s own little western nuclear power plant is running and sticking with set timetables ”just as planned”. Well. How to put this nicely and in a constructive manner? (And on second thought: why should we even bother to try?)
Continue reading Pyhäjoki, Finland: Traffic at and to the Fennovoima-Rosatom’s nuke plant construction site blocked – again
Turin, Italy – 10 compulsory residence orders notified following an initiative against Urban premises
At around 7pm on 19th January, a repressive operation carried out by Turin police led to the notification of 10 compulsory residence orders to as many comrades, following an initiative that took place in May 2015 outside the premises of Urban, one of the agencies responsible for the gentrification of the city. The charges are private violence, damage and defacement. The prosecution had demanded house arrest for all.
The initiative was in response to the arrest of 4 comrades a few days earlier, on charges of obstructing a police raid against undocumented migrants.
———————————-From :macerie
translated by act for freedom net
Turin, Italy – Poste Italiane [National mail service] branches attacked for their involvement in deportation of migrants
15th January. Cash machines of the post offices on via Susa, via Porpora, via Saluzzo and via Petrarca are put out of use during the night. The walls of the buildings are also covered in graffiti in solidarity with those who struggle against the CIE, and against Mistral Air, the air company owned by Poste Italiane Trust, which carry out deportation of the undocumented ones..
From macerie
Translated by act for freedom now
enbridge valve site sabotaged – again (en/fr)
line 9 shut off & line 7 valve tampered with in hamilton, on
La traduction vers le français suit l’anglais
our hearts were bursting with love and cheer after hearing of the many times our friends have courageously shut down pipelines in recent months. so in the early hours of january 25,2016 we found our own courage and took action against enbridge and their line 9.
Continue reading enbridge valve site sabotaged – again (en/fr)
Berlin: Political projects of Friedrichshain’s northKiez call for a demonstration on 6/2 (Germany)
After the major offensive on Rigaer 94 by 500 cops, SEK, a K-9 unit and a helicopter, the northKiez of Friedrichshain is still under siege. There are constant controls all around Rigaerstraße and the streets are patrolled by massive swathes of cops.
We take the attack on the night of 13.01.2016 on Rigaer 94 and the assault on Liebig34 on the same evening as an attack on all of us! It is an affront to all of us that resist, organise, plan, act and network every day; against all those that cannot pay their rents anymore and get displaced.
Continue reading Berlin: Political projects of Friedrichshain’s northKiez call for a demonstration on 6/2 (Germany)