06.01.16: 5 special operation police and 1 specialized sergeant were killed in Şırnak province where also Turkish forces have recently started to attack neighborhoods protected by local self-defense units.
Continue reading North Kurdistan: Armed actions by YPS Şırnak kill 6 members of Turkish ‘security forces’
Monthly Archives: January 2016
Primer juicio por molotov, bajo la nueva ley de control de armas
El 05 de Enero del 2015 comenzo el primer juicio oral por porte de bombas molotov por ley de control de armas, bajo la ultima reforma.
El juicio será llevado contra el estudiante Cristobal Miranda, procesado hace mas de un año y medio. Vale la pena recordar que el 18 de Junio del 2015 se realizaron distintas protestas callejeras y enfrentamientos con la policia coordinadas, una de ellas en las cercanías de la UTEM en el centro de Santiago.
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Calais: several nights of clashes as people try to cross
Fights with the police have been happening in & near the Calais jungle for the past three nights running. This usually follows attempts by migrants to leave the jungle to cross to the UK. Yesterday it was announced that three armoured vehicles would be sent to Calais in an effort to get on top of the situation. The prefect needs to approve their use, but that’s unlikely to take very long. Updates below from Calais Migrant Solidarity.
5th January
At approximately 00.30am on the morning of the 5th of January, a group of refugees left the jungle and walked up Route Des Gravelines towards town. As they passed the house of the neo-nazi sympathisers connected with Les Calasiens en Colere, they were attacked by a group of fascists, who persued them and attempted to follow them into the Jungle.
Continue reading Calais: several nights of clashes as people try to cross
Santiago: Actividad anticarcelaria “Solidarixs y marginales”
Actividad anticarcelaria en solidaridad con lxs compañerxs Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova y Enrique Guzmán actualmente secuestradxs por el estado chileno acusadxs de una serie de atentados explosivos en la región metropolitana.
Continue reading Santiago: Actividad anticarcelaria “Solidarixs y marginales”
Uccise dalle forze dello stato turco 3 donne militanti
5 gennaio 2016
3 donne militanti sono state uccise dalle forze dello stato turco in una esecuzione extragiudiziale a Silopi distretto di Şırnak.L’esponente dell’Assemblea parlamentare del Partito democratico delle regioni (BDP) Sêvê Demir,la co-presidente del consiglio del popolo Pakize Nayır e l’attivista del Congresso delle donne libere (KJA) Fatma Uyar,sono state assassinate dalle forze dello stato turco a Silopi dove il coprifuoco rimane in vigore per 23 giorni.
Continue reading Uccise dalle forze dello stato turco 3 donne militanti
Enbridge valve and pipeline sabotaged
What better way to start a new year than by shutting down some fucking oil pipelines?
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Germany: Arsons and sabotage against the open cast lignite mine operated by RWE at Hambach Forest (en/es/de)
On the night of December 31st we carried out 3 acts of arson and sabotage against the open cast lignite mine operated by RWE at Hambacher Forest.
We set up homemade stingers on the road used by the mine security forces to harass and distract them whilst we set fire to various bundles of cables and some wiring boxes by the side of the train tracks which are used to transport brown coal from the mine to nearby power stations. Halting the trains for some time.
Continue reading Germany: Arsons and sabotage against the open cast lignite mine operated by RWE at Hambach Forest (en/es/de)
Villabona, Spain – June 2015, words from anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar
The State uses different strategies to eliminate its enemies and anyone who raises their voice to criticize the established order.
Continue reading Villabona, Spain – June 2015, words from anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar
Koridallos prison court: Trial statement by Giorgos Petrakakos
On September 24th 2015, Giorgos Petrakakos – wanted for bank robberies – was arrested in the city of Volos together with his life companion Maria Theofilou (who is also the sister of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou). Both are currently held in Koridallos prisons, Athens.
Continue reading Koridallos prison court: Trial statement by Giorgos Petrakakos
No New Animal Lab’s #SwarmNewYork Schedule Announced!
#StormSkanska: Swarm New York is under two weeks away! If you haven’t made your plans yet, now is the time to commit. Be there and be a part of the critical mass. We will converge in the hundreds on their home turf and shut them down.
Continue reading No New Animal Lab’s #SwarmNewYork Schedule Announced!