Another savagery in Cizre: 20-25 people burned to death


It came out that Turkish forces committed yet another savagery in Şırnak’s Cizre district following the savage massacre of dozens in two basements in Cudi neighborhood two days ago.

It came out that Turkish forces committed yet another savagery in Şırnak’s Cizre district following the savage massacre of dozens in two basements in Cudi neighborhood two days ago.
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February 6 2016 – Some Irish and Polish fascists were wandering the street after the PEGIDA demonstration in Dublin,



February 6 2016 – Some Irish and Polish fascists were wandering the street after the PEGIDA demonstration in Dublin, Ireland, looking for people to harass. And then they met some antifascists. After the impressive sprint you see them do here they hid in a shop protected by an entire line of riot police.




PEGIDA in Dublin | 6 Feb 2016


Pegida Ireland Rally shut down by anti-Fascist Free Speech haters



CasaPound «un’associazione che vuole rilanciare il Fascismo». Il Gip di Roma ridimensiona l’informativa del Viminale

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questo articolo uscito in rete lo scorso 6 Febbraio, che mette maggiormente in risalto le incongruenze e le forzature ministeriali con le quali si cerca di sdoganare e dare legittimità a Casapound. Buona lettura

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È nata Settantasette, zine redatta da Earth Riot, per rendere l’informazione pulita dal basso disponibile a tutt*, dentro e fuori dalla rete.
Settantasette, autoprodotto e autofinanziato, vuole rendere omaggio alle zine degli anni Settanta, una forma di informazione indipendente e libera da ogni controllo istituzionale, basata sulla filosofia punk del “do it yourself” (“fattelo da te”), fatta dal basso, da liber* cittadin* per liber* cittadin*. Settantasette, mensile di impronta antispecista, sarà composto dalle seguenti rubriche: Informazione ribelle, informazione resistente!; Orizzonti solidali; Mobilitazioni e campagne; Realtà che sosteniamo.
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Convergence In Support of Eco-Prisoners & Against Toxic Prisons June 11 – 13, 2016 in Washington D.C. International Days of Action Everywhere


FOR OVER A DECADE, June 11th has been a day of action in solidarity with environmentalists and anarchists imprisoned for their actions in defense of the Earth. The day has its origins in an international outcry over the extreme and unprecedented sentencing of Jeffrey Luers to 22 years in prison for damaging several SUV’s at a car dealership. Since its inception in 2004, the June 11th day of action and other acts of solidarity have been instrumental in winning shorter sentences or early release for eco-prisoners, including Luers himself as well as Eric McDavid, who was entrapped by an informant. Yet committed earth defenders such as Marius Mason, targeted in the FBI’s “Green Scare,” are still serving harsh sentences in maximum security prisons for taking direct action against earth destroying industries.
Continue reading Convergence In Support of Eco-Prisoners & Against Toxic Prisons June 11 – 13, 2016 in Washington D.C. International Days of Action Everywhere